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9/18/2017 11:05:22 PM

I tricked my friend..(old story/short)

Yo, I tricked my friend. This was one of the most gross/mean things I've ever done. My friend Shea likes to waterfall my beverages. Everytime he comes over he says, "Can I waterfall that?" So I thought.. What if I piss into the next thing he wants to waterfall. So, after I came up with this bs I got a green Gatorade. Kept it in my fridge until he came over. I drank some right before he arrived then pissed in it. You couldn't tell though obviously. Then of course he asked if he could waterfall it. And then.. [spoiler][b]He took three big gulps. [/b][/spoiler] I know, not much of a story. But that shit was so funny. I wish you guys were there. Funniest part about it is that he didn't know there was piss in it. And when I told him.. xD!!! Edit: I was only 14 at the time. I was really immature lol. Edit 2: What's the worst thing you guys every did to a friend? And for those people who viewed my landlord post, I'm okay now. Found a really nice place.



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