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9/12/2017 10:51:22 PM

Road Complex AA1 - Where is it?????

I busted my ass for this gear - the ROAD COMPLEX AA1- set and dropped real cash today for shaders for it. C'mon bungie... I'm so sick of this forum help garbage. It's not help at all. It's every fan and player you have doing ALL the work, helping eachother whilst you fail to assume and/or remove blame from youe end on far too many issues. If something is a massive glitch, please don't leave it in a 'hot fix' note or side-barred somewhere. Put it out in its own alert. And if it's an even bigger issue, like what I'm now seeing about this particular armor then you better believe that BETTER show up as an emergency notice. It's one thing to preach and martyr respect for your fans and community, but it's truly a different ballgame when you actually show it. Are you game? Or benchwarmers? Tighten up, guys. Its OUR time and MONEY, not yours. Simple math. Please...
#Help #asap



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