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Destiny について話し合おう
9/11/2017 1:58:10 PM

Best PSN #clan in D2!

Looking for great people to be grubs and complete with? A little bit sweaty, but not full MLG? Want to be apart of a diverging great? Join us.... FLUSHING TRIAD WARRIORS and FLUSHING TRIAD WARRIORS II We are an open #clan to all who will show their fellow guardians respect. Clan discord, everyday active, year one(destiny 1) vets, multiple streamers, and all around great friends. Been active since 2015 and are looking to grow even more. We are 75% PVP and 25% PVP. Trials help, #raid completions, nightfall, strikes, and more. Our chat parties are always full. No pressure, come try us out and enjoy yourselves!! See you starside guardians!! Palerider766 - founder
#Destiny #clan #ftw



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