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今日、Destiny 2 はメンテナンスのため、一時的にオフラインになります。@BungieHelp で更新情報を確認してください。


9/1/2017 12:09:21 PM
It is worth doing and a good idea. Up vote from me to help you out! I will also throw in an offer for all. I'm part of a clan called Renegade Elite, we are a small group who operate off our own website the main members are all UK and we also play other games such as FIFA,Battlefield, GTA V, COD, Ark, Overwatch etc etc. We might sound like a huge clan but we aren't, we're just a small group of gamers who play a variety of games trying to find more of the same. Which can be difficult even though we've been around for 5 years. We do require members to sign up and use our website but that's it. I know that's not for everyone but the offers there and good luck either way guardians ;)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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