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Destiny について話し合おう
Darranにより編集済み: 7/17/2017 7:39:54 AM

Today's Youtubers in a nutshell...

Hey, Its yo boi [INSERT YOUTUBER] here with some really awesome exciting news! But before we get into that, if you like this video please hit that like and drop me a subscribe, it really means a lot guys! Before we get into the really exciting news from Bungie, I'd just like to give a big shout out to my boyz: [A boring Youtuber] [Another boring Youtuber] and my main boi [Another boring Youtuber] This video wouldn't have been possible without these guys, please go visit their channel and drop them a follow, I'd really appreciate it. Now for the mega exciting news that I have for you guys, if you didn't already know; Destiny 2 Beta is now available to download. When the Beta has downloaded there is a new awesome white screen with some really amazing music. That's all for now guys, thanks for watching and don't forget to like this video and subscribe for more updates. Peace. Edits: - Obligitary We're trending edit - Changed Streamers to Youtubers - Wow, 100+ Upvotes! I feel like a very special snowflake. My posts always get downvoted to oblivion so this means so much to me. Thanks guys, you're all too kind 😭 - OMG!, 200+ Upvotes! Keep up the flow of salt Guardians 😂



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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