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Luarithaeにより編集済み: 6/20/2017 10:58:09 AM

Aksis killed, loot has been had but didn't count for book or completing the age of triumpth weekly raid quest :(

Hey Yesterday we went to kill Aksis in PS4, and after a few attempts and we managed but... BUT We died at the same time as Aksis, we got Aksis loot, we completed the Shiro quest (it was our first time for most of us there), the director's map shows we completed the weekly raid, but it didn't count neither for the Age of Triumph quest to complete the weekly raid nor the node in the Age of Triumph book. I have a video of the fight but since we can be heard squealing like pigs, I prefer to share privately (or will link if I manage to edit out the sound). I put screenshots on the imgr link though. I'll admit that killing bosses while dying at the same time is one of my newly found specialities. Vault of Glass sample: I'm 98% on the book but will have to go to the Internetless land soon to spend time with my dad recovering from surgery and we are running out of time for the book. *uses Knucles of Eao* BUNGIE PLX Grant our wish T_T *praises the Light*



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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