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DELIVER ME MEMESにより編集済み: 4/19/2017 4:46:24 PM

Child Abusers violently "prank" their children for YT Views/ad-money seeing this makes me absolutely steaming mad. they are profiteering off of violence to their own children. as of yet, nothing has happened to the parents, and YouTube has not removed their channel. these people have pointed loaded guns at their own children as part of a "prank" in addition to regular physical and emotional abuse "pranks" in every video. they don't give their kids privacy when asked and their response to when they are asked why they do it by their kids is "it's just a prank brah". they justify it by buying their kids toys, which they then break in later "pranks". their last upload is a fake apology and the announcement that they are going to disney world without their youngest son who is the most targeted victim, because he [url=]was acting out[/url] (from his abuse) and they don't know why. they claim that they are doing nothing wrong and have been investigated by child protective services before. they also believe that anyone who sees what they are doing as wrong are merely "just haters." what are your thoughts on this? [spoiler]what can the internet do? spread the word. report their YouTube channel, report their videos so that they earn no money from this. people in Maryland can report them to Child Protective Services until something is done.[/spoiler] update: [spoiler]he has had two channels strikes at the same time for videos taken down for child abuse, resulting in an automatic 2 week suspension. if two more videos get taken down while he has these two strikes, his channel is gone for good as he will have 4 concurrent channel strikes. if you have been reporting his videos, keep reporting them and his entire channel. that will not be the end of things, however, as he still has two more other channels, including the one for his shrill landwhale girlfriend who also abuses their kids.[/spoiler]



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