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Destiny について話し合おう
EssAndEmm2013により編集済み: 7/2/2017 11:56:00 PM

Identity Crisis : I Was A Hunter, But I Am A Titan

Hunter Master Race.


Titan Master Race.


Warlock Master Race.


Random post is random. Enjoy something besides "D2 Sucks, D1 is Dead" content. SOOO...Fun story, the first time I ever booted up my Vanilla Destiny disc, I chose a Titan. Seemed strong, simple, and too the point. Hulk smash. Right? So I do the tutorial, get to the Tower, and not even an hour into the game, I question myself. I notice that there was a female player in the tower with larger breasts than mine. Surely I didn't miss the breast enhancement feature in the character creator? I check them out, get my trophy; and notice they are a "Hunter". Huh. Hunters have larger breasts than Titans. Good to know. However, not knowing how Destiny worked at the time; I immediately got rid of my Titan, and made a Hunter; which, to this day, is the only Character I have never deleted since Day 1 inception. Don't get me wrong, I love the "Scout" type classes. I'm Scout and Sniper (Primary/Secondary) all day, every day. But between the metas, weaponry abandonment, and reflection; I've learned that my first pick, was actually the right pick. 1.) I enjoy rushing head-long into battle, with as much strength and force as I can to intimidate and break the spirit of my enemies. 2.) I love the feeling of crushing my foes with an unstoppable smash; while at the same time giving my allies the strongest protection they'll ever know. 3.) As cool as it sounds to be The Lone Wolf, I actually prefer groups. I love the supporting role, but I also love that at times I can toss it aside and literally crush my foes' fists in my own hands. With Destiny 2 coming along, I've had to think long and hard. Do I import my Hunter from Day 1, or do I make a brand new Guardian (Titan) and correct my oversight from the first game? All of my achievements and Veteran Rewards will carry over regardless, as the exclusives are tied to your PSN/XBL instead of your actual Characters. So what about you Forum? After all this time, has your "Main" changed. Did you make a mistake with your First Choice? Any regrets? I'll see you in the comment section below. - - - [i](EDIT : Photo found randomly on internet. Not mine. Massively shared from Tumblr and Instagram)[/i]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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