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Destiny について話し合おう
BASTETにより編集済み: 5/12/2017 3:47:17 PM

Sentium Log: 10092 "[Us]"

[spoiler] This is a fan made series. Not official lore. If you do not like fan made content, leave now. I do not want this to be confused with official Bungie sanctioned content or an attempt to create it/forge it. [b]This is for fun.[/b] [/spoiler] [[Log User: --REDACTED ACT FOG IDENT-- && Log Search: "Triumph -a"]] >>LIST CONTINUES. [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"So, what are you?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"Same as you. We are [us]."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"That's cryptic."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"Warlocks like mysteries."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"So you noticed you haven't exploded yet. Look, I need answers. What is going on? Why did you call me out here? Where is the Metronome?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"I'm beginning to think Warlocks don't like mysteries at all."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"We don't. We like to unravel them. Start talking before I start pulling threads."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] *Audible Sigh*[i] " aren't a Warlock anyway, I guess. You're a [us]."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01: [/b] [i]"What's that noise? Whenever you say [us]."[/i] *Pause* [i]"Whenever I say [us]. Seriously? [us]. [us]. That's annoying."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"Right, you don't know about the Sentium. Records all deeds, good or bad, of [us]. That noise just washes out recording drivers, adds a translation note in transcripts."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"The Sentium is a myth. Suspicious garbage about people who never existed."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"You're a myth."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"If you're a [them] then you sure don't look the part."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"And you look like a Warlock."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01: [/b][i] "I did not...come all the way out here to have some deranged Exo sell me a tinfoil hat."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"You came all the way out here because you---"[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b][i] "Because I don't want all of my friends to die!"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"You don't have a say in that. Not this time."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01: [/b][i] "Where. Is the Metronome. Does Lorentis have it? Do you work for Lorentis?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"[We] don't work for anyone. You're one of the best examples of that, you should know."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"Don't speak as though you know me."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082: [/b] [i]"No one really does. That's how [we] work." [/i] *long silence* [b]STNL -08:082: [/b][i] "You know you need to be out here. Once we both know why, I need you to go back to Earth. Go where you would go to find me, if I were where I am likely to go. Tell her where I am---" [/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"Tell who?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082: [/b] [i]"The Valkyrie."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"Another myth."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"So are you."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01: [/b] [i]"No, I am not a myth. I am Archana, I exist, I am more than stories and rumor and hysterical claims from sur---"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b][i] "Archana is a con, a thief, a liar, a fugitive of both the New Monarchy and the Vanguard. The Guardian of blazing solar tails and cunning, explosive power---The Firefly---is a heroine. Though none know her by name."[/i] *long pause* [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"How do you know that?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082: [/b] [i]"I don't. I've just heard stories. We've been beaten down for a long time. Triumph has made people very chatty. Those victories were invaluable."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"Who are you then?"[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082: [/b] [i]"Just an old sentinel."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01: [/b] [i]"...So you're a [them]."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"No, we are [us]. I am The Sentinel." [/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"And I am---"[/i] [b]STNL -08:082:[/b] [i]"The Firefly. Yes."[/i] [b]STNL - FF:01:[/b] [i]"I'm leaving."[/i] [b]STNL - 08:082:[/b] [i]"See you when you get back. Tell her I'm sorry, and don't let her kill you."[/i] *silence* >>RECORD CONCLUDES. >>QUERY? ... ... .. /continue >>PROCESSING. >>LIST CONTINUES. ... >>POST REQ REJECT CODE: STARGAZE >>RESOLVE. /PASS *********** [[Log User: --REDACTED ACT FOG IDENT-- && Log Search: "Triumph -a"]] >>LIST CONTINUES.



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