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Destiny について話し合おう
M4J0RL34GU3F41lにより編集済み: 3/7/2017 11:48:23 PM

The update Is great! But I have a problem

Starting off I know this is no MOBA community but read the entire thing before disliking this post into the ground I was around for year two moments of triumph, It was great (Besides the fact that the book only taunted me because I had no friends... on Playstation and all the people on LFG wouldn't listen (just like people in the real world)) all jokes aside I felt accomplished after completing things on the record book. Rise of Iron came later bringing a larger record book which I could do because I finally got friends (or I just moved to XBox I still don't have the raid achievements.) Skipping forward to now I saw the new trailer and I am on the hype train. The one thing that I wanted was different raid weapons and/or perks. Now I'm sure all the year one veterans will say that this is a worse idea, but I have a reason. First of all, while it is very rare hand cannons can get fatebringer rolls I happened to pull myself a new monarchy hand cannon with outlaw firefly last week and while this is part of the high fire rate low impact lower range archetype definitely worse than fatebringer it still can get a fatebringer also what will happen to imago loop it is fatebringer good enough luck. What I'm trying to say is new and unique perks would be something to chase after (And let's face it one of the year 3 raids will prosper while others will die out there should be special perks on the new weapons so people hunt after them but have them complement the Wrath Of The Machine gear Next the record book (This will likely be shorter.) As I said the record books gave me something to work for. Although when I was on Playstation I completed 56% of the book when I switched I felt burnt out on some of the basic achievements the same with the dawning book, leading into the new event, boasting to have the largest record book yet. I do see some good achievements coming I also see tedious ones that aren't the most fun. Overall I think this is going a great event but I just have those concerns for the longevity of the event being fun. Please leave you though in the comments and if you have better ideas (although better is an opinion soooo )If it sounds like something that is original then please tell me. Anyways I've been typing for far too long so I'm going to go back to destiny.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Rushにより編集済み: 3/12/2017 10:40:31 AM
    It is possible we may see a final story mission as part of AoT, marking the transition to Destiny 2. According to RifleGaming, there is a secret room directly below Rasputin's chamber on Earth. In the mission, "The Promethan Code", three exposed heatsinks can be seen in his chamber that are instead shielded in "Siege of the Warmind", with a floor panel to access the secret room that remains shut in both... Riflegaming suggests the use of Pocket Infinity or Sleeper Stimulant are required to charge up the heatsinks; working as a Fireteam and hitting them all at once. However, a lot of Rasputin's bunker is the same as sections of Wrath of the Machine, which makes me wonder you might need something from the Raid to open it.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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