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Destiny について話し合おう
Ghostfire239により編集済み: 2/22/2017 9:22:40 PM

The Official but not so Official but Almost Official Public Destiny 2 Wishlist!

I was curious to see what the community would like to see in Destiny 2. I'm well aware of people wanting a story and whatnot but what else do people want? I thought I should make a list and see what it is people want...I guess I'll start [b][u]Wishlist:[/u][/b] - A good written cinematic story - Theater mode - More Character facial customization (I want a beard and I want it now! lol) - Let me choose my color scheme (Shaders were great but can be annoying at times when you want a specific look...also let me choose my visor color!) - More option in Private matches (example of some options: Unlimited ammo, No shields, Small arms, Movement speed...etc. Make it a bit more like custom games in Halo) - Exotics that feel exotic - Unique classes, with different stories (or at least a few class specific missions that serve an actual narrative purpose) - More depth to Subclasses (Make them more unique...also have a story to unlock each one. I would have loved to see an Gunslinger cutscene in Destiny) - LET OUR GUARDIANS SPEAK (The soccer ball in the tower has more personality than we do at this point) - I know it may be just me who wants this but...let me lower my weapon when I want to please. - Have it on PC (Should be confirmed already) - More non-linear missions (More exploration in the missions) - Please...PLEASE...Separate PVE and PVP. PLEASE! - Allow cross platform character transfer - Trading - No currency cap (or at at least a really high cap) - Have Raids connect to the Story (King's fall was a good step in the right direction) - Enemies that have more depth to them (Why exactly am I fighting the cabal again?) - More diverse weapons (and please for the love of god NO MORE RE-SKINS!) - Dedicated servers - Bigger, more unique, and more explore-able patrol spaces ( Maybe allows us to go into forests, towers and what not. Don't make it the open waste land with nothing to explore) - Make our Ghosts do more than simply scan things - Make Factions have more meaning. Give them missions (Ones that help further the narrative set by the main story) - Make it 60 FPS - More unique PvE activities (and more in general). Well...what do you want to see? Let's discuss stuff people!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I definitely agree with some of your points there. Trading would be awesome. However, instead of just more diverse classes, more diverse Subclasses too. As it is, despite the fact that they're all relatively similar, I kinda feel stuck playing Nightstalker on my Hunter because Nightstalker>>>>Gunslinger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bladedancer pretty much always



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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