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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [b]What do you like?[/b] -High Range Hand Cannons feel satisfying, they don't have this ghost bullet feeling we've been having since TTK. As instance now we can use the Ace of Spade with Perfect Balance in PVP and get nice results. -Low ROF Pulses are back and it is a good thing. They do not shine on every corner of every map, but with a passive playstyle they can be very efficient. Extremely unforgiving though. -High ROF Autorifles are interesting to play now that shotguns are less prevalent. Low ROF autos are doing work in PVE, they're fun to play with. -Scouts are great. -More primaries battles are good, even if they feel forced due to Special Ammo nerf. -Juggernaut nerf feels ok, barely no more Titans apeing in PVP. [b]What do you hate?[/b] -In PVP the high ROF HC are still not great, due to sidearms having better efficiency at more or less the same range. -Very High ROF Pulses are a thing of the past, ie an Hawksaw is so much more forgiving than a Clever Dragon that any player will choose the first one over the other. -The Blink Nerf was totally uncalled. I never use it, but still, it doesn't make sense. That's the kind of ability that make Destiny fun and different. -Sidearms keeping their ammo through death. God it is annoying. If I have to lose my sniper/fusion/shotgun ammo at each death, so be it. But how come RandomMcRandomface can accumulate his Wormwood ammo throughout the whole game ? -Now that grenades are more prevalent to prevent pushes, how come 1 subclass out of 9 can escape the tracking of some of them ? Everytime I shadestep away from an axion I feel dirty. It is not a gamebreaking advantage, but still an unfair one. -The flow of the game in 3v3 is now boring. I don't play Trials, so I can't speak for this playlist. But in Skirmish or Salvage the way it is now played does not feel fun enough to play more than one game. Die, respawn, see your teammates waiting near a green box with Skorri instead of trying to get a kill. Icebreakers, Wormwood and NLB everywhere. The Special ammo economy in the past allowed for some great aggressive plays, the pace has changed a lot and not for the better. ie Now all the blueberries that I got matchmade with think the same "I can lose all my ammo if I die so I'll play extremely conservatively, gotta focus more of my survival than getting kills to help my team winning." Or they have NLB-Wormwood. Boring. -The Truth nerf. Cutting down to 2 in the mag' would have been understandable and balanced. 1 is laughable. [b]What do you think is good but could be better?[/b] -Hawkmoon feels like it is hitting shots, but it could be a great gun with a tiny bit more range. Now despite the accuracy buff it is still a Tier 2 option if you put it next to Vendor Palindrome, or any other nice rolled Hand Cannon. #MakeExoticsGreatAgain -I kinda dig the Red Death changes, strangely. Very curious to see how it will be when the next Hotfix comes in. -Mid ROF Pulses are not enticing at all, whether in PVP or PVE. They don't have enough "punch" to compete with the other archetypes. [b]What would you change? [/b] -Reduce the amount of time without HUD after Blink. And give Astrocyte Verse a real utility, like keeping the HUD at all time. Right now there is no reason for a Warlock to use a very cool looking helmet. -Add 1 rocket to Truth's mag. -Prevent Shadestep to evade tracking grenades. -Sidearms do not accumulate ammo through death. -Special Ammo changes tweaked : now we lose half our ammo after dying. With a change like people will be more inclined to go back fighting after a death instead of hiding in a corner waiting for special. Shotguns and fusions (high risks and fun weapons) will be back. -Stability buff to Mid ROF pulses. If those are not the most efficient archetype, let it be at least the easiest to use. Like the VoC archetype is now. -Stability buff for Fast ROF HC. If we need to spam the trigger to compete in TTK with Mid ROF, at least make the recoil controllable. -Reduce Stormcaller Armor while in Super. Whitout Special those guys are impossible to kill. Hammers and Blades are are protected in their Super, but the range of their Super allow their opponents a chance to kill them. -Reduce the efficiency of the FrostEEs boots, wombo spamming followed by Wormwod is obnoxious and it is a growing tendency. -Do not put anymore Extended Mag on a HMG. Unless we have a shutdown Super those guys are impossible to kill now with only primaries, and they can go on an easy 5-10 killstreak in 3v3.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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