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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



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  • Lord Yoink N Bagにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 10:33:47 PM
    Blink was never hard to counter in year 1 pre nerf. But now the blinker is at a major disadvantage due to the last nerfing of no hud on top of the previous nerf which displays direction of the blink. Add that to the original cool down nerf and we have a useless ability Thanks for ruining my favorite jump mode Just because it was 'annoying' doesn't mean it needed nerfing



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    1 返信
    • You should only have 1 sidearm mag starting in every trials round



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      1 返信
      • High impact handcannons need less drastic damage fall off to give them some reason to use. Currently both mid and high impact can reach max range, and with such a dramatic damage fall off there is no reason to use the slower firing counter part.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • I just want Blink back, 5 seconds with no HUD? Firstly I want to say drugs are bad Bungie mmkay, secondly I dig almost everything else but Blink in Bladedancer is the only thing that set Hunters apart and is what made me fall in love with this game. Now that it's gone strangely enough I hardly feel like playing. I just feel like as a Hunter my needs and wants are ignored and pushed aside for the Warlocks, the OP race. Hunter's have been through enough and as one of the tougher classes to play I'd appreciate at least docking the time to maybe 2 seconds. I loved your game but now it's breaking my heart <\3 please mend it guys



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        2 通の返信
        • Zuper Greekにより編集済み: 2/16/2017 11:45:46 PM
          [b]Like:[/b] Less shotguns, more primaries (YES), quicker elimination rounds, quicker special ammo box respawns, reduced stormcaller melee range, juggernaut shield changes, shotgun changes, hand cannon changes, mid-air accuracy buff to all primary weapons, high caliber rounds now work on scout rifles and hand cannons, RoF changes to High RoF pulse rifles and to lower RoF, blink changes. [b]Hate:[/b] Sidearms...sidearms...sidearms, loss of all special ammo on respawn unless using a sidearm, fusion grenades and all other sticky grenades (they really shouldn't track but instead, in PvP, function like a plasma grenade from Halo eg. you have to actually hit the player for them to stick none of this tracking nonsense), increase to sniper flinch (this was from the weapons patch before, Bladedancer changes, all quickdraw changes, spike grenades and smoke (not necessarily for but I still hate them throughout this patch), Gunslinger still lackluster. [b]Could be better:[/b] Auto rifles were tweaked in a positive direction but still fall a little short on damage. While they look good on paper, realistically their damage output just isn't there as it is for say a hand cannon. This does not mean nerf hand cannons again but please instead address auto rifle base damage and/or stability. Low RoF pulse rifles can still be a bit better (think HoW Hopscotch Pilgrim damage). [b]What I would change:[/b] Make tripmines stick to players again because gunslingers have no sticky grenades whereas other classes and subclasses do, give golden gun extra armor while in super like very other super does, increase grenade and melee cooldowns even at T12 stats to avoid constant grenade and melee spam, reduce damage of smoke and spike grenades because the "wombo combo" is ridiculous and unfair to play against, reduce damage cone or change visibility of damage cone for spike and lightning grenades, keep other class and subclass health and shield regen perks WHILE IN SUPER the same as they are now but revert regen perk changes to armor pieces, melees and weapons, increase auto rifle base damage, make flinch actually affect No Land Beyond, make sidearms respawn after a death with their minimum ammo capacity and not carry over picked up ammo before death, make other special weapons respawn with half their pre-death ammo (except Ice Breaker and Invective of course) until 0 after a death instead of just taking it all away instantly (eg. fusion rifles and snipers are FUN to use but with no ammo, what's the point?), decrease ammo regen time on Invective so you can actually use it's perk in PvP, give Truth a 2 rocket magazine instead of it's current 1 to be in line with other exotic launchers like Gjallarhorn (as of right now I have a legendary rocket with Tripod, tracking and Field Scout which is effectively now better than Truth, an EXOTIC, so it makes no sense to run Truth especially in a PvE environment).



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          5 通の返信
          • Before this patch when you went into a game you had to come in with the mindset dont get rushed and cornered by a shotgun. Post patch its now dont get rushed and cornered by a sidearm. It seems the point of the special changed were to slow the use of people rushing with special weapons.... Well that didn't work The special ammo changes for me personally have reduced my options in game. I normal use my weapons like tools upclose bang stick at a distance primary. Most players engage at mid range the hand cannon is the dominating weapon in this range and has been for a long time. In smaller maps there is very little time to pick up special with players moving quickly. My special weapon slot could be empty for all i care now. Mostly i just run around with my hand cannon, no other primary is as usefull.



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • WolfBearsにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 5:28:23 AM
            Sorry in advance for the essay, but I have a lot of feedback on this patch, and I wanted to present it in an in depth and detailed format. [b]Primary Weapon Buffs:[/b] I'll start with this one because there's a lot of positive changes here, and I like the direction this is heading. The handcannon changes are very much in line with what the community seemed to want. RNG based gunplay in shooters (bloom) doesn't make for a rewarding experience, and the increase in initial shot accuracy helps that. The increased in air accuracy for all other primaries is another very good change. Even with the buffs though, primaries are still outshone by shotguns and feel like a weak option (minus the whole ammo thing.. ) Part of the reason shotgunners were so effective is they are able to utilize mobility and vertical space in their approach. Whereas a person combating them with a primary can only backpedal while ADS'd if they want shots to connect. So - how to make primaries capable of shutting down a shotgun warrior? I believe increasing the handling speed, hipfire accuracy (less spread), hipfire aim assist, and in air accuracy (further) will make primaries feel much more effective at close range. The increased air accuracy allows the player to jump/skate/etc to evade, and the hipfire changes allow the primary user to react quicker and track quickly moving opponents. Ultimately this allows players to utilize the movement system to evade and disorient a rushing shotgunner, and makes close range encounters more of a duel than an ape fest. All without changing the ttk that keeps destiny, destiny. This also adds another layer of skill in engagements. Putting more emphasis on using mobility and gunplay in conjunction with each other. There are already some effective examples of this in game - handcannons, and the quickdraw talent (pre-patch). Personally I feel much more comfortable taking on a charging shotgunner while running quickdraw. Adding archetypes of primaries with lower ttk's, but decreased range would also be a welcome change to primaries. Right now we have the last word, and.... well, the last word. Ultimately though, some weapon archetypes will not be able to compete with shotguns ever. And that's okay. Shotgun play is a part of destiny that is very enjoyable and should always be viable. Sometimes the best counter to a shotgun is another shotgun, it just shouldn't be the only viable option [b]Shotgun Nerfs:[/b] A lot of things were globally nerfed to shotguns, let's recap what was changed: [i]Shotguns now have significantly less magnetism when fired from the hip[/i] - this is good, promotes more skill [i]Shotguns now have significantly less in air accuracy [/i]- not good. RNG in gunfights does not feel good and does not reward gunskill. [i]Shotguns no longer have a movement penalty[/i] - yay, much rejoicing [i]Rangefinder on Shotguns now increases ADS time[/i] - if implemented properly, this would have made sense. Shotguns were very strong, but mostly because they are the only weapon that can fully utilize the mobility in destiny. Which also made them very enjoyable to use, but made skill gaps very apparant (not a bad thing, but causes knee jerk reactions from less skilled players). The OHK range on certain shotguns was the frustrating factor. I've never been killed by a two to the morgue or proud spire and felt cheated. If you get one shot by one of those weapons, you've made a mistake by letting the shotgunner get within close range and should suffer the consequence. But the matador and other high impact, high range archetypes extended that one shot range too far, and basically made all other archetypes obsolete. The proposed solution is to rework high impact shotgun archetypes. The highest impact (matador, conspiracy theory, her champion) should have greatly reduced range stats, lower AA, lower handling, and very slow fire rate (Conspiracy theory ish ROF). Making them a reserve option for super shutdowns, and not one hit kill range machines. Party crasher and last ditch could use a similar nerf in range, handling, and AA, but not as extreme. The goal here is to make the high impact shotguns heavy hitting, hard to handle boomsticks for defensive play, and the lower impact/range shotguns be the goto for aggressive, mobility oriented gameplay. You could even add icarus as an intrinisic perk on certain archetypes, creating the seperation between defensive boomsticks, and snappy rushing shotguns. Atrocious handling and ADS time would make matador archetypes even less suited for aggressive play. The blanket rangefinder nerf was actually a really start in this approach, but I think a more targeted approach is better. Adjusting ammo inventory would add another layer of balancing to the equation. But I'll cover that in the special weapon economy. [b]Special Weapon Economy:[/b] Special weapons were a problem in the crucible. They dominated total kills, and there was very little variety in the weapons used. Particularly shotguns. But special weapons are a huge part of what made destiny crucible fun, and removing special on death takes away from the enjoyment of the game, and promotes a slower paced style of play. The idea of losing special on death just doesn't work in a game like destiny, where trades are common, unpredictable deaths (from supers etc.) happen to the most skilled players. So - how to reduce the reliance on special weapons, without reducing the fun factor of the game? The problem is two-fold: primary's suck, and there is no incentive to use less effective special weapons, so certain overpowered archetypes reign supreme and reduce variety. The aforementioned buffs to primaries will make them both feel and perform better, and be able to combat special weapons across a wider range of .. ranges. Which will go a long way in reducing the reliance on special weapons. People use special weapons because they are consistent and reliable, which can't be said for primaries. For variety within special weapons, the ammo inventory should be inversely proportional to the relative effectiveness of the gun. For example - right now there is no reason to use a proud spire over a matador. The matador has a much longer OHK range, more ammo (I could be wrong here), and handles just fine. But if the inventory and mag sizes were more controlled and consistent, we could see high impact shotguns spawn in with far less ammo, and pickup far less in a match. For the sake of this example, lets say 3 rounds per mag, start game with one mag (two mags with +shotgun armor perks), and pickup 3 rounds (always) for the matador. And 6 rounds per mag, 6 rounds per pickup, and two mags on start with the proud spire. Meaning if you want to run around like a madman with a shotgun all game, you have to use a low impact, low range weapon, and you better be darn good with it. Where as if you want a powerful mini cannon that's fine, but you can only use it a few times. Perk selection would also have to be more controlled of course. Ammo granting perks like replenish and rescue mag should not roll on the most lethal archetypes (and should probably be reworked to grant less ammo anyways). This specific example applied to two shotguns, but could be extended across special weapons as a whole. Essentially low mag/inventory special weapons would very powerful but see limited usage (much like the current intention for special weapons), whereas weapons with more ammo have more of a risk and skill factor, but can be used frequently. The more frequent use of less powerful specials would have the byproduct of allowing primary weapons to shine as well, and is overall in line with what I think Bungie's (that's you guys!) vision is. Consistency in this approach would result in a very clear decision when selecting special weapons - if you want special for most of the game, that's fine but you must be very good with it. Which goes a long way in making a balanced game that promotes a wide variety of playstyles. For the interim - buffing primaries and nerfing high impact shotguns would decrease the overwhelming use of special weapons in destiny 1. You can deal with creating variety within the special weapon archetypes in destiny 2, since it would be a large undertaking for destiny 1 For PVE - a higher reserve ammo count and a prevalance of perks like triple tap, outlaw, etc would be necessary [b]Hungering Blade and other health regen perks:[/b] They were annoying to deal with in PVP, but not OP or gamebreaking, and really fun in PVE [b]Sniper changes:[/b] Hopefully the reduction in HCR flinch is enough. But if primaries are buffed, snipers may need tweaks to remain competitive [b]Patch deployment and community involvement:[/b] Most of the changes seemed like server side tweaks that could be slowly deployed one at a time. When you dump a bunch of changes at once, it's very hard to determine the net effect of a single change. The changes made attempted to address some community concerns but in way that didn't illustrate a complete understanding of the crucible environment. A better approach to balancing would be to make small incremental changes based on community input. The game was close to being balanced, with a few very notable outliers prior to this patch, and those outliers needed some tweaking. But we did not get the surgical changes that were touted prior to the patch. TLDR: Buff primaries by increasing handling and hipfire accuracy. Nerf high impact shotguns. Special economy was fine, primary weakness is the problem. Buffed primaries and surgical nerfs to certain specials will decrease special usage. Making inventory size and ammo capacity consistent and logical will promote variety across special weapons.



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            21 通の返信
            • Bungie, since you nerfed special ammo and don't look like you will be changing it, I have an idea. Why don't you make mayhem a game mode that is always available. I am not talking about only in private matches, but in the crucible where you can join games with other people you don't know. I have played this game ever since Christmas of the year destiny came out. This is probably my favorite game, but with the special ammo nerf, I really am disliking crucible. Mayhem would fix that, to some extent. Special ammo spawns in more often, so you don't really have to worry too much when you die. I really hope you read this, bungie. If you do, thank you for considering my option.



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            • Revert the armor nerf to Guardians with armor values over 10, it was never a problem, and it wasn't necessary.



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            • I played this game for more than 2 years with 1000+ fun hours even when my friends and clans quit in masses. Hell I even defended Bungie in all the SBMM vs CBMM debates! BUT now... Enough is enough. PvP has nerfed the bejesus out of PvE. I was getting hooked into PvP but the elite streamer carry service marketing machine has moulded the game for their needs and messes up 90% of PvE content beyond recognition. This simply isn't the game I bought 2 years ago and it feels nothing better or worse than othet titles out there. D2 is no longer on my wish list and D1 is now another tea coaster. Sad end to one of the best gaming experience ever.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              7 通の返信
              • I love Destiny an I have played for over 1400 hrs. I have the game on my PS4 an XBox one. I do take breaks so I can enjoy other games but I always come back. I have all Characters max 400 light I have bin to the lighthouse.. I was carried, an I stream sometimes when new raids come out. I love helping people get there drops. I really have enjoyed the Crucible to the point where it's the most fun I have ever had in a multiplayer game. An I play until i get God rolls on my weapons it's a blast. I love mid maxing my gear an guns. I find Destiny very rewarding..but now here is the but.... I really don't like the special ammo change losing your ammo after each death. I find myself without shotgun or sniper ammo all the time an it makes the flo, an feel of the matches alot less fun. I really just wanted the Primarys to get a buff i think this is the wrong direction that the game is going. It's sad cause I really enjoyed the multiplayer, an that has dropped off big time. I find it hard to motivate myself to play it. I'm not quitting Destiny but I do plan on a extended break longer then usually in hopes that some things like special ammo get addressed. I appreciate Bungie, an all the hard work they do. But I do fear they listen to the streamers YouTubers to much the 1% an that makes me feel as a player that my opinion doesn't count. Butt threads like this is a step in the right direction so thank you Cosmo for this.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • Ok that's it. I can not play pvp anymore. It's too frustrating. If I have to pick up one more farking special ammo crate I am going to kill myself. Still, best fps I ever played. Too bad it's shit now. Can't do it anymore in this current state. I'll have to do something more fun now, like walking through glass bare feet.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • L-ythian-により編集済み: 2/21/2017 10:57:56 PM
                I like that more primaries are being used, Its definitely better. This is just me, but I hate that I feel like I have to use only a sidearm just to help get by in crucible. I'm not gonna waste time chasing special ammo just to use a shotgun, fusion, or sniper rifle. I feel like it takes away from the crucible in a way. Reducing the magazine size of pulse rifles is ridiculous, clever dragon is useless in PvE and PvP, especially if you miss a shot because it can get you killed. My clever dragon only has 18 rounds in the mag. Personally I think instead of nerfing the weapons that apparently needed it, everything else should have been buffed in order to compete with the weapons people were complaining about. People are going to use the weapons they are comfortable with and feel give them an advantage. I feel like the nerfs took away from one group so another could be given to.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • Skinny-Rogerにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 11:17:05 PM
                I am waiting 10 whole minutes to get in a control match. Why do you think that is? Do I need to be captain obvious? edit; and of course when I finally get a match it's goddamn fireteam. Fuq this shit



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              • What do you like? Like that Primary weapons got their shine back, especially Auto Rifles. What do you hate? Hate that Sidearms didn't get the same discipline in Special Ammo update like ever other Special weapon. What do you think is good but could be better? Good with the update, but what could be better is Sidearms need to be equally leveled with Special Ammo update (not the Dregs Promise which already says that it spawns with Ammo already). Plus PvE should've been a separate issue and/or update, didn't hear much complaint towards PvE should've been approached differently. What would you change? Honestly don't know, but expect Destiny 2 to be more balanced, know the community has more to say in change.



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                4 通の返信
                • Making the Titan shoulder charge stronger that was BS... There are any way overpowered



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                  1 返信
                  • 1
                    Ok guys, 1 - special ammo changes are good, however nobody is using anything but sidearms, so that will get old really quick. Good for a change but I don't think it will hold up long term 2 - truth. Maybe that nerf would have been ok when there was two heavy ammo crates in trials, but with only one heavy box, i never even get to use it. Exotics should feel special, but now if there is a void burn strike, I sure as hell won't be using truth, intact I will be infusing it into something else, because it is no longer worth the exotic slot. 3 - I'm no game developer, but I'm sure you have the code for the old blade dancer. Just change it back. Blade dancer wasn't strong before, and by comparison to storm caller, it was all ready a weak ass super. Now it's even weaker and you stuffed up all the other health regen mechanics. Just switch it back, and forget about trying to "fix" blade dancer. I'm sure you will find there will be more happy people than not 4 - can I please have high cal back on my mida multi tool? Please!! 5 - storm caller melee, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! 6 - Hand canons, omg you listened! Initial accuracy, check! Damage drop off, check! Everyone was crapping on so much about ghost bullets but failed to acknowledge that hand canons were still the best primaries in the game. If they didn't have "ghost" bullets, that would have been way too OP. So thank you, you got this one spot on! Legends!!



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                  • Thank God auto rifle is a useful weapon again and give raids match making or no destiny 2 for me I have a life so I am not paying for a game I can only play part of oh and screw you if u even think of saying join a clan or look online no bad dev I sure for the game I should not have to hunt people down to do what I want when I want in a game so get over yourself and match make raids already



                    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    4 通の返信
                    • A few notes--- First and foremost, the health recovery 'accident' should be addressed, at least for a few key things--- notably the Red Death, which has been finally killed off by this nerf. Hand Cannons. Yikes. I get that they're a meta staple lately, but making them deal only 30% base at longer ranges seems unnecessarily cruel, and the range reduction makes a few variants (the Last Word esp) feel completely unviable because they can barely be used. Pulse Rifles--- it's about time people hopped off the Grasp of Malok. Auto Rifles and Low-RoF weapons- GOD YES THANK YOU FOR MAKING THESE VIABLE AGAINST HIGH ROF WEAPONS I like that shotguns have had a number of changes that make them more dangerous to use, but I feel that the removal of special ammo on death is really harsh. After all, players who use unpopular weapons like the Plan C, Fourth Horseman, etc feel hurt because all special weapons outside of sidearms, Invective, and IceBreaker are hit with a net nerf nobody really asked for, as far as I'm aware. Next on the list- the exotic changes. The Young Wolf's Howl buff was NEEDED desperately and I'm glad its along-- I have been using it much more frequently. Truth's nerf seems... undue? I don't think many people had much of a problem with it's mag count of 3. Now I legitimately don't have a good reason to use it over Gally (or any RL with Tracking) because WHY WOULD I WANT ONLY 1 ROCKET. Shinobu's Vow, also needed. To recap-- this was a lot of desperately needed and highly-requested changes that I'm very glad to see in, but some things seemed to get nerfs out of nowhere and the health recovery accident needs to be addressed for some things--- namely Red Death, and possibly Voidwalkers. What I would LOVE to see in the future is some love for The Fourth Horseman. Most Guardians agree that it's basically Invective, but with worse stats, nearly identical perks, and no ammo regen. Also, can we hope to expect Pocket Infinity's return? I don't think it's particularly overpowered compared to Plan C, and it's the only Exotic I never had a chance to use. Been playing since the Beta, so it's a little disappointing that it isn't available.



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      1 返信
                      • At this point changing the stats just freshened up game play, while numbers are shrinking its too bad folks can't see the gift you fix brings... it means rethinking set ups...just when things were getting boring.



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      • I don't care, man. do what yall want to do



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                      • Shotguns are sloppy in pve now....separate the nerfs from pve and pve...bungie sandbox sucks and obviously doesn't play much...



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                      • What I like is a majority of the update. What I dislike now I've played, is actually the special ammo changes, more directly how it made less variety in special weapon usage. I like the idea of more primaries less specials, but this game has to many work arounds for special ammo. Good idea for a fix in destiny 2 if you remove the work arounds but in destiny one its not really an option unless your goal was to limit variety. The other thing I dislike was the unnecessary nerfs to Truth, and in my opinion that could be opposed Universal Remote. And blink did not need a nerf. What I would change: -Sidearms lose extra ammo on death -ammo on respawn when you had no ammo and died before, will now always be provided when you die. -Unnerf exotics truth and universal remote -Blinks distance and recharge speed back to year 1 -still lose HUD on use. Bladedancer fixed with unregistered hits



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                      • ReaperLeviathanにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 9:25:01 PM
                        What do I like? Auto Rifle and Pulse Rifle buffs and the Shotgun buff in PvE What do I hate? It is bitter-sweet to the cauterize perk with no cool down. I would rather have it as it was but I am still trying to get used to the change. Also, I mainly play private matches to just play with friends and I don't like how the special nerf affected that as well but I can understand why it did What could be better? Could you give us an option in private matches to keep/loose special ammo after death?



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      • I like most of the new patch but not all. So I think you have to change somerhing: - fix the bugs of the patch - please Ban the artifact skorri from crucible - the maximum of special ammo should be 1 magazin and you can also have the Special ammo after you get killed - The special weapons after the patch are not balanced because there is no special ammo. So the players are not able to play with a fusion rifle, shotgun or the sniper they wanna play. - i think if the special ammo will be back, the players can play for example with a primary for the long range and the secondary weapon for the Short range (or the other way) - I also would slow down the shotgun perk (full auto) that the balance to the other weapons (fusion rifle, sidearms) will be better - my waltz still has a magazin of 30 but it's the same weapon like clever dragon ;-) - Finally please fix the lag in the crucible (most 6vs6). So we could have fun with the weekly bountys or iron banner - with destiny 2 i hope that the weapons will be balanced separate for PvE and PvP We love playing Destiny but at the moment there is no fun in the crucible because everybody "must play" no land beyond, icebreaker, sidearms. Nobody can play fusion rifle, shotguns or for example a longbow because you have no ammo after you die (or a new round start).



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                      • I am sure this has been said but I will say it again. PVP changes should not hurt the PVE experience. I understand the ideal of having consistent performance for weapons whether in PVP or PVE, but I see this as a failed experience. I have no idea of how many players do both PVP and PVE equally, but I assume that player is rare. As for my friends list 80% of us PVE is our main activity by a large margin and over half never go into PVP. Degrading our experience to achieve a mythical balance in PVP is not the way to keep us playing. I really hope this design philosophy did not make it into Destiny 2, especially if we are going to have a hard reset of our characters.



                        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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