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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Hello Cozmo, English is not my first language... sorry if some things might come out weird (>.=) I love Destiny... In the game since the end of year one...the game in which I have invested the most hours on, in my life. A lot of joy, fun and friends that I will never forget. Bungie has created an extraordinary game, which over time has grown into something that maybe you had not in mind for it to be... a game that is still loved by many for what it is...or what it use to be I should say (even with all it's flaws). Unfortunately, however, a parent needs to learn not to meddle with the child loved by all, only to satisfy their desires. In other words... STOP pushing this child around trying so hard to make it what it isn't and will never be. Back to the point. In my opinion , having Bungie no longer a clue on what to do with this game they have now entered a Doctor Frankenstine experimental fase where everything goes... break the game to it's core, reassemble it, and see what happens... will it be good?! Will it be bad?! Who cares let's just try... I just don't get it... you have a great game, why are you trying to destroy it? You wish for players to stop using a subclass ... Remove it. Because it makes no sense to use a subclass which was decent (attention to the term DECENT...not OP), without the two perks that made it such. (Dancing blade) ... i'm specifying just because with this update you have messed things up so much on subclasses that you might have trouble understanding which I'm talking about otherwise. Have you tried to test it in a PVE environment? One gets annihilated by slaves! SLAVES!!! Ripping you apart wile in Super's just sad. PVP: two guardians or more shooting at you, and your done... no point in using a roaming super over a shutdown super (NOVA- FIST or even GUN), to get 1 kill, and then be blasted into oblivion by whoever is left standing wright next to you (probably with a side arm). the best part is that I'm not a hunter base user...I'm a Warlock! Since I don't have much energy to spend, and it would take me a 3 hour lecture on all the things that have been messed up badly in this patch I'l just proceed in an orderly way of (good and bad). Subclasses: MY OPINION Blade Dancer- Bad - Very Bad ( what you might ask?!) all of it!.... Void Walker - life steal ( Very Bad-unacceptable) mistake or not. the most balanced subclass is now unbalanced! Congrats.... Storm Caller- hand distance (Good), sad but necessary........ Landfall ( unnecessary - ininfluent ) no serious player useless it instead of teleportation..... Titan - head strong ( Necessary - Good) all other nerds on life support perks on all Titan Classes ( BAD) mistake or not. Weapon: Primeries.......... Autorifles - Alleluia!!! ONE YEAR I had to wait to see them usable again! (VERY GOOD) Pulse- Malok, Clever (Necessary- God knows it was necessary!) sad considering how long I farmed for a decent one......... Hand Cannons- (Good) the base distance is still not good enough considering the lack of snipers nowadays. but the acquisition is finally on spot................. Special Weapons: >_< (Special weapon crates nerf and re-spown). It's the most infuriating rage inducing solution Bungie has ever cum up with. It is not a solution to anyones complaints, it's just a vary lame, unprofessional, and sad way to solve/not solve the FACT that Primeries are too inefficient in killing time when confronted with any special weapon. This is in no way what players asked for. And I'm not going to even start on how some of the weapon nerfs have rendered some of thees weapons unusable in PVE, otherwise I could get very frustrated. anyway................ SHOT GUNS: All high impact/ low rate of fire nerfs (Very Good- Necessary- Thank You) They have become cause of players aneurisms in the crucible for what has seemed an eternity. ..... Same Nerfs on: LOW rate of fire shotguns ( Unnecessary- unacceptable- have you ever played this game kind of level?!) no one has ever even considered the use of thees for a very long time now (unless they had anything else to use). Useless then, now completely unworthy of even existing in the game... just put them out of their misery and delete them from the game...... Snipers: What can I say... they seem to be gone... it is quite a shame since it at least it was the only secondary that required some skill to use... anyway RIP. ( pleas do use the grace of not naming NO Land and Icebreaker) we all know some still try with those......... Fusion RIF : (VERY BAD- VERY VERY BAD- FAIL) I don't know what fusions ever did to BUNGIE, but bungie is out for them, I dint think there could be a way to make them less usable than they were before. cue to you bungie... the joke is on me, I was wrong. they practically vanished both in PVE and PVP. That was no easy task, but you succeed................ Side Arms: (untouched)...wich by the way is VERY GOOD... by default, made them the only usable weapon in crucible... they now deserve the title of undisputed champion of the crucible. It is now unecessary to even look at what killed you in short to medium quarters, since we all know that its one of 3 sidearms... which I'm not going to name, God forbid Bungie decides to nerf them straight into the ground too. .............And now the best of the best of the new patch!!! EXOTICS!!!! Even After receiving a PROMISES from Bungie that our hard earned weapons would not be rendered useless, hear we are..........Weapons: RED DEATH: It's exotic perk is no more (I have no level of Bad-very Bad, which is low enough for this). it's a FAIL on all the line... the weapon already belongs to the worst pulse category, and now it's completely useless... what else is there to say... except FIX IT ASSAP !!!............ Suros REGIMEN: small Buff ( VERY GOOD), no more life support...( Incomprehensibly BAD)...... HockMoon: ( thank you for making this weapon usable again).... First Curse: (untouched) It's just toooooo slow to be competitive... you get demolished by any sidearm, any day of the week if you try to fight back with it... especially in short to mid ranges, where a hand cannon should shine... Ok let's cut to the chase.........TRUTH : ( NO BAD BEOND level). Why? Just why??? What passed though Bungies mind when they decided without asking the community to nerf TRUTH into the realm of unusable!!! IT just makes no sense to the point of being dumb. I mean was truth good... yes of course it is... its an EXOTIC... in crucible heavy amo are insignificant now days, and in pVE there is better than Truth.. so why? Please don't say because of Osiris, because if you killed the weapon for that, the it's the moment I quit this game for good... JUST FIX IT BACK. Moving toward conclusion.............EXOTIC ARMORS....Ram: nerfed, since it gives no more life ( BAD- Unexeptab)....... OfidianAspect: (Necessary) sad very sad, but necessary.......... Astrocyteverse: Dose Bungie still remember that there is an exotic out there that has been broken for something like 7 or more months? FIX THE Helmet already!!! IT's the best looking gear... and it's broken!!!........Anyway if this goes on I could stay hear for hours complaining on how many ways this patch ruined the game... just FIX IT..........FAST....



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Big_LCにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 2:04:00 AM
    I originally posted this on YouTube, but have felt so strongly about it that I decided to open an account here and post for the first time, in the hopes that someone who matters at Bungie can see it. I have stood by nerfs before, and I started playing just after the Auto Rifle nerf. Because, other than the aforementioned nerf, they never felt really heavy handed and they didn't do damage to the game. This time, it's different. This is the style of blanket into-the-ground nerfs which, among other things, convinced me to leave WoW two years ago, after 8 years of play. To start, no, it's not all bad. We all should be telling Bungie what we feel they did correctly. Productive criticism requires you to tell someone both what they did wrong [b]AND[/b] what they did right. So, I'll start with what I think they did well: - Handcannons in PvP actually aren't in a bad spot. They feel a lot more accurate and snappy. I haven't noticed the 5m damage falloff increase to be quite frank. - Actual balance between primary weapons has almost been achieved. - An under-used exotic, Young Wolf's Howl, got a much needed buff. Hopefully other low-use exotics join it in the future. - The Primary weapon in-air aiming changes. - The buffs to low RoF Pulse Rifles. It's about time that archetype got some love and saw more play. - Nerf to shotgun ADS speed and hip fire accuracy. - Nerfs to Stormcaller melee range was needed, and were very reasonable. Now, for what they haven't done well: - The changes to the highest RoF pulse rifles went too far. All they needed were the nerfs to damage falloff and HCR. It did NOT need the changes to rate of fire and magazine size. Destiny wrote about not nerfing things into the ground...and proceed to absolutely neuter this archetype of weapon. I have read several posts on the Bungie forums of people who have been farming forever to get a good roll on a Grasp of Malok, only to see it utterly ruined and now they're pissed. It's like the year 1 auto rifle nerf all over again. - The auto rifle buff worked out nicely for low RoF auto rifles and gave focused fire viability back for the first time since Vanilla. All good news, but the changes didn't help medium and high RoF auto rifiles that much. - Landfall nerf was unneeded. If anything needed nerfs on the Stormcaller's super it was ionic blink. - Blink nerfs weren't needed. - Universal remote and Truth now ruined. - The armor nerfs and the corresponding buffs to Mag Grenades, shoulder change etc. Is there still a reason left to use high armor builds now? - Hungering blade changes. Not only the change to hungering blade, but also how that broke so many other abilities and exotics. There was no point to this change in the first place, it was a waste of time and made already the squishiest roaming super totally useless. You could have actually made an effort to limit the effect to just hungering blade, but no, you just let the change ruin so many other abilities and weapons and didn't care. When you see something broken to the extent that this was, and you have to either release it as is or delay it to fix the issue, you delay it to fix the issue, and put out an announcement saying "Really sorry guys, but this nasty bug came up and we need another week to sort it out". There will be some grumbling, but reasonable people will understand. Saying "we'll see how it goes" and releasing it as is just plain lazy. On the bright side, those who don't play Bladedancers now know how the Bladedancers feel, and instead of the non-Bladedancers gloating and the Bladedancers being annoyed, it's united the two camps in the criticism of the change. - Special ammo changes. I was nervous they initially said they were re-examining it. And it looks like it was for good reason. I appreciate the goal of trying to increase primary weapon usage, but the execution was atrocious. It's like someone cutting off a limb to meet a weight loss goal. All you've done here is ensure the first team to wipe the other will dominate. If they decide to double down on this change come next balancing patch by making sidearms lose ammo, the dominance will be absolute. You claimed only want to make small tweak nerfs, only to give us a hit across the head with a steel baseball bat nerf. This to me was the straw that broke the camels back. As for what I would change: - Scrap all the nerfs to shotguns besides the ones regarding hip fire accuracy and ADS speed, but then scale them depending on weapon impact and the movement speed of the user, someone standing still has higher hip fire accuracy and a quick ADS time, someone sprinting has a slower ADS time and less hip fire accuracy, someone blinking/skating/shadowstepping etc has a very slow ADS time and poor hip fire accuracy, etc. That will reduce shotgun rushing and encourage people to use shotguns more defensively, and encourage more diversity with shotguns, so we can see things like Invective and Stolen Will instead of just MatadorMatadorMatador. - Scrap all nerfs to highest RoF pulses besides the damage falloff and HCR. - Return the Low RoF pulses to their original rate of fire, but boost the damage per precision shot to 36 in optimum range for easier 2 bursts, and increase the damage for medium RoF pulses to enough to allow 2 bursts on low-armored targets in optimum range. If this makes these guns OP, then revert back to original damage values and a higher RoF on the low RoF pulses, then scrap the medium RoF pulse rifle archetype and divide up the weapons in it between the high RoF and low RoF archetypes. As it stands, the medium RoF pulse rifle archetype feels like a "jack of all trades, master of none" situation. It hasn't got the range to compete with low RoF pulses and scouts, and requires the same number of bursts to kill as a faster firing higher RoF pulse rifle. - Higher precision damage multiplier, and maybe a 1 point base damage increase for medium and high RoF auto rifles, and push out the damage falloff just a little. - Have flinch effects in general reflect the impact of the weapon and damage falloff. - Revert Landfall, blink, Ophidian Aspect, Quickdraw and hungering blade and health regen perks to their previous states. - Universal remote returned to it's previous state, with less harsher effects to precision damage and ADS times to make up for the fact it's a primary. If it becomes too OP, bring those two things into line with other shotguns. - Give Truth a 2 round mag. - If you must have special weapons lose ammo, have them only lose reserve ammo if they have more than a full clip, or 2 1/2 clips for sidearms, with crates on between a 75-90 sec respawn timer. And exempt Mayhem gamemodes from this. - Also, I saw a video where the suggestion was made that in elimination gamemodes, give everyone 5 special ammo per round, and whatever the equivalent is for sidearms. No crates spawn, and your number of rounds resets to 5 at the start of each round. Tune the numbers as needed, but it will allow skilled use of special weapons and punish people for recklessness with their special weapons. That's a pretty solid suggestion, at least from my limited experience with elimination gamemodes. I called that the new meta would be Scout Rifle/NLB (and maybe low RoF Pulse Rifle) + Sidearms, and Handcannons + Sidearms on the smallest maps (eg: Anomaly). And so far based on the data we've seen, it's been panning out that way. A Fast firing auto rifle won't cut it against sidearms. Once you've lost ammo with your shotgun after dying, you're basically left naked in close range, as I found out while trying my NLB + Matador. While TLW might stand a chance against sidearms, then there's the problem of having ammo to challenge people with long range primaries, and the level of flinch you'll get when trying to aim. People will find this very stale very quickly. I found it stale almost immediately. There will be a lot of people taking a break from Destiny over the next month because of this. I love this game, but this patch was phoned in and has adversely affected my Crucible playstyle in a way that no patches before this has. I just haven't been having fun in Crucible since patch day. I use other weapons, and other combos every so often depending on the map, gamemode and what I personally feel like doing, but at the end of the day, I run with a sniper for the majority of the Crucible matches I play because I find that playstyle the most fun and rewarding. I do like the NLB + Sidearm combo, but being pigeonholed into it to maintain my desired playstyle isn't fun (I don't have Yr 3 Ice Breaker). My friends and I are in the market for a fresh game to play. Once we find it, my guardians will be hanging up their guns until these changes either scaled back or outright reverted. And no, that new game won't be Destiny 2. I won't be buying that if they continue to mess up Destiny 1 like this.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    3 通の返信
    • Make the stormcaller Melee have something on base, it's the only Melee in the game that doesn't.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • Wormwood = matador.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • [quote]There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?[/quote] Like the new update think it's good to see that shotguns are not the only thing in pvp and that auto rifle are a useable weapon again. Overall good update.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • Cozmo this should be fixed



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • I like HC's, they seem to be in a good place Hate, is a strong word ...... it's your game make it the way you want to. I'll either like it and keep playing or play something else. Low RoF Auto's are good but could be a weeeee bit better. Make guardians grind for Shadow Price. I would change the Truth back to 3 rounds. Don't destroy awesomeness. Remember your sins of the past. When Vex Mytho first hit the scene it was a god. If you had left that alone would we be even talking about the truth. Same could be said for the Suros, Mida, Ice Breaker, and the list goes on. You created awesomeness then changed it. IF you didn't, would you finally have your weapon balance? Maybe, maybe not, but if you had a private match with guardians who used (when they we're in they're hay-day) a Vex, a Suros, a Mida, an IB and all the greats who would win? Would one be to OP? Or would you have good competition? Would it then come down to tactics? Would you have fun? If someone wants to snipe, let 'em snipe. If someone wants to shotty, let 'em shotty. I think you've gone through too much change to change it all back. But the Truth you can change back to 3. My hope is that Destiny 2 recieves the benefit from what it seems to me to be one long Beta test. When you create gold don't turn it back to iron.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      3 通の返信
      • Apply the same changes to sidearms. It isn't fair when people are trying to partake in the new diversified crucible only to be stopped by a sidearm. All weapons should lose the ammo, (unless it is the Dreg's promise or Vestian Dynasty because its perks prohibit that). If anything... Make special ammo drop from enemies once again, the ones that have it. It'd be a nice reward for taking down a sidearm user.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

      • Crucible is quite boring right now. Hate to lose special except for sidearms. Hate how they have replaced shotguns. They should not retain extra ammo. 1) Lose all special ammo upon death. 2) Sidearms don't retain additional ammo upon death. Respawn with only one full clip or 18 bullets at best. 3) Magazine is automatically loaded upon special crate pickup (like heavy) 4) 90s timer on special crate. 5) Primary kills drop primary ammo & secondary kills drop secondary ammo but you have to reload, to load them in your mag. Or Current ammo economy but with steps steps 2) & 3) fixes.



        マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        2 通の返信
        • You take away special ammo yet leave sidearms untouched allowing them to respawn with ammo. Sidearms are a cancer in crucible. Remove special from every special weapon on respawn, I dont understand why this wasnt done to begin with. Also bring back the health regen perks you removed from weapons/other subclasses "by accident"



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • Good! -> The current balance of primary weapons. -> All classes seems very good. Bad! ->That you spawn with zero special ammo. You should at least always spawn with 2 shots for shotgun, sniper and fusion if you had special before you were killed. ->Auto rifles should get more stability and range so they have a chance to be used one last time. -> There is no reason for NLB to have zero flinch. Its not OP or anything, but its not harder to use NLB then it is to use 1k stare.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • Blink nerf was unneeded and makes my favorite ability since launch now unusable for me.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • Darthdad969により編集済み: 2/22/2017 8:21:24 AM
          What do I like? I don't mind the Bladedancer nerf because I almost never run Bladedancer in Crucible. It always seemed overpowered to me when you almost kill a Bladedancer but the second he gets that first kill, his health goes up and he kills 3 more on your team before the Super simply runs out. What do I hate? The special carve out for sidearms. There's no reason for all secondary weapons to lose ALL ammo on death...except for sidearms. I agree with others who have said this is simply forcing sidearms on us by fiat. I also hate the nerf to Truth. I don't understand this one at all. There's only one heavy ammo round in a Crucible game anyway (except Mayhem), so what's the urgency to take away the Tripod perk? The worst part is that this affects PvE. Truth was very helpful on Void Burn strikes but now I'll be even more inclined to use Telesto or Dark Drinker. What is good but could be better? PvE matchmaking is good but could be even better if it was extended to ALL Prison of Elders levels and to Nightfall. At least have optional matchmaking. I'm not asking for Raid matchmaking but Nightfall is a just a strike, albeit the most difficult strike of the week. PoE and NF would all be much better with matchmaking. What would I change? Revert the special weapon ammo back to before the update OR make sidearms lose all of their ammo too on death. Equalize them. Also, make shotguns effective when you're on the ground, not jumping. I have no problem with nerfing a shottie when you're in the air so it doesn't one shot kill a guy while you're in mid-air. But on the ground and especially stationary or ADS should be good shotgun effectiveness. Buff fusion rifles please. I really enjoy Destiny a lot, both PvE and PvP. I just don't understand why the concerns of a vocal minority are more important than those of the rest of the community. Thanks for listening.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          5 通の返信
          • Thorarcoにより編集済み: 2/22/2017 12:03:29 PM
            Hey Cozmo, I Like the Hotfix beacause of the nice connection of the primary weapons and now most players play primary.... but i dont like that the people play only sidearms now. I like sidearms very much but its now the new meta. I wont say that you have to nerf them but please do something that the other special weapons do not disappeaer from the PVP. In every round of elimination maybe only one magazine (without the reload shots) special shots and thats it and so you can remove the special chests. And please put out the heavy of Osiris because its gratuitous. Im a sniper and i dont have lust to play noland everytime :( But i like the most of that update you bring bak the hawkmoon the connection of the last word its just awesome!! #feedback



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Please give us some special ammo on respawn. Losing it all makes it so tedious to go to a box, wait for the cooldown, recharge, and if killed before even using it is SO frustrating. I get that revert changes or tune up other things would take time. But I think this special ammo sutuation is urgent and seems pretty easy to fix. Fix it for next Trials please. Suggestion: spawn with 1 magazine each round. On death, lose half your ammo. Respawn with at least 1 bullet (except if you had 0 when killed).



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Haciendo estos cambios solo obligais a los usuarios a llevar pistolas y rompehielos, si queriais balancear habeis logrado todo lo contrario.



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • MLG_DABIにより編集済み: 2/22/2017 11:43:53 AM
            This guy is right 👆🏾



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • I would say this update was, as a whole, terrible but..... Why bother, cause we all know you guys only listen to Destiny Reddit.



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            1 返信
            • Day 8 of unlimited ammo sidearms! Is this really what the intention of the patch was?



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • What I like? I like everything What I don't like? I really don't like Truth nerf, Universal Remote nerf, Bladedancer nerf, and I also hate the fact that sidearms keep their ammo when the player dies. Everything I Dee are sidearms now like...what the heck?!?! What I would like to change? Change everything else back except for the High RoF pulse rifles and shotgun nerfs! Honestly this patch was some what decent but I hate how you really ruined the Bladedancer class. Hungering blade wasn't even much of a problem to be honest. And the nerf to Blink really broke my heart. Like seriously who even uses Blink now ever since you nerfed it in the first place. Like that nerf to the HUD and Hungering Blade is just ridiculous. Along with that, the nerf to Truth really shocked seriously! Nerfing it to have only one rocket it the mag makes me pissed. That's what made truth so awesome to use in PvP. As someone who played since year 1 I just want everything back to the way it was back then. Not matter how many times I raged in Year 1, it was always fun to play games. Now every time I rage I don't even wanna play the game anymore. I miss what Destiny use to be. On a side topic I loved how exotics felt before any of them got nerfed, they felt very... Exotic. But now it's just like I'm using a legendary gun, not anything special and not even a single pro to using one anymore. Just please fix the game before the sequel comes out this year. I just want this game to have a good note before we move on. Hope you guys hear me out and understand what I'm trying to say!



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

              1 返信
              • I play this game a lot and I main Destiny. I used to -blam!- with shotguns and snipers but now its NLB primary and sidearms for me. Im not complaining ..I just go with whats hot and work with it. Right now its either NLB and sidearm or Palindrome and sidearm lol like I said I just go with the flow cause I love Destiny



                マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                1 返信
                • I feel that you guys did an excellent job on this hotfix. I was hoping that nothing would be nerfed, and everything else would be buffed. I feel that buffing all weapons, revoking the sniper nerfs, leave special the way it was, not nerfing anything, and buffing primaries a lot more than special weapons would've made this patch better. putting the additional hip fire damage back on TLW would be a start. I feel that you guys should've reset destiny back to year one, where I feel that people were most happy, and built of that. I think that all these patches and balances have built up into a big dislike for bungie and more and more claims that you guys have ruined the game. I know that conversations with a lot of my friends and clan mates, somehow always go back to talking about year one. Again I feel that this hotfix is still amazing. The community was always asking for primary gameplay, and you guys delivered.



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                • Just did five strikes of echo chamber and other vex strike that drops imago loop but every time I used a skeleton key no weapon dropped.



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                • BLINK.



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                • GrimReefer90Xにより編集済み: 2/22/2017 8:12:26 AM
                  *** Positive : I like a good chunk of the update, its nice to see primaries used more often and also side arms making an appearance. *** Negative : I feel hand cannons are just way to powerful, admitedly I use scout rifles on a regular basis, and was hoping theyd get a impact increase. But when a hand cannon is face to face with an auto rifle of any kind high rate of fire, low rate of fire. 9 times outa 10 the hand cannon wins because of how much impact it has...its pretty insane because 60% of what you see is people with hand cannons. Also since the patch everyday the patch has been introduced...more and more seeing no land beyond and ice breaker... These weapons are really counter acting the use of primaries and are almost forcing people to get one of these guns to stand a chance. *** And a suggestion : it seems every time titans and warlocks have been attacked the most and hunters have been favored, hunters seem to be the prefered class for trials n such and I feel this is due to hunters having more advantages. in this recent patch is first I can recall a hunter getting a nerf in a long time....and it was a good nerf because it makes the blade dancer vulnerable but strong like the titans and warlocks...but i feel the subclass that truely needs nerfing is night stalkers...and reason being is the special ability...when you think about it the hunter bow is the only super that lasts after death besides the titan slam...but it dosnt make sense...a titan requires a select perk settup to allow the slam to last after death...yet hunter dose not, maybe its just me, but a hunters tether shouldnt last beyond death unless they had a perk to do so. But thats just lil quark of mine, would drive me nuts sometimes when im using a super and kill a hunter that shot its bow and get caught in tether and lose rest of super and stuck till its gone. ***possable glitch or its the fact i been seeing alot of red bar people when in crucible, but its been happening more then once were id get hit through a wall by a hunters throwing knife or by ghost bullets from a gun. Also noticed certain damage will act up, like my burning eye scout rifle, few pulse rifles...start damaging person in crucibal and then start experiencing shots on person that are like blank shots that do no damage..dosnt happen all the time but dose happen enough to notice. Also experienced a glitch were entered a crucible match that was half way over and was invisible to all the enemy team, didnt even acknowledge me there, also couldnt attack either unless with grenade...was rather interesting. Dunno how it happened either.



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                  15 通の返信
                  • [b]What do you like?[/b] -High Range Hand Cannons feel satisfying, they don't have this ghost bullet feeling we've been having since TTK. As instance now we can use the Ace of Spade with Perfect Balance in PVP and get nice results. -Low ROF Pulses are back and it is a good thing. They do not shine on every corner of every map, but with a passive playstyle they can be very efficient. Extremely unforgiving though. -High ROF Autorifles are interesting to play now that shotguns are less prevalent. Low ROF autos are doing work in PVE, they're fun to play with. -Scouts are great. -More primaries battles are good, even if they feel forced due to Special Ammo nerf. -Juggernaut nerf feels ok, barely no more Titans apeing in PVP. [b]What do you hate?[/b] -In PVP the high ROF HC are still not great, due to sidearms having better efficiency at more or less the same range. -Very High ROF Pulses are a thing of the past, ie an Hawksaw is so much more forgiving than a Clever Dragon that any player will choose the first one over the other. -The Blink Nerf was totally uncalled. I never use it, but still, it doesn't make sense. That's the kind of ability that make Destiny fun and different. -Sidearms keeping their ammo through death. God it is annoying. If I have to lose my sniper/fusion/shotgun ammo at each death, so be it. But how come RandomMcRandomface can accumulate his Wormwood ammo throughout the whole game ? -Now that grenades are more prevalent to prevent pushes, how come 1 subclass out of 9 can escape the tracking of some of them ? Everytime I shadestep away from an axion I feel dirty. It is not a gamebreaking advantage, but still an unfair one. -The flow of the game in 3v3 is now boring. I don't play Trials, so I can't speak for this playlist. But in Skirmish or Salvage the way it is now played does not feel fun enough to play more than one game. Die, respawn, see your teammates waiting near a green box with Skorri instead of trying to get a kill. Icebreakers, Wormwood and NLB everywhere. The Special ammo economy in the past allowed for some great aggressive plays, the pace has changed a lot and not for the better. ie Now all the blueberries that I got matchmade with think the same "I can lose all my ammo if I die so I'll play extremely conservatively, gotta focus more of my survival than getting kills to help my team winning." Or they have NLB-Wormwood. Boring. -The Truth nerf. Cutting down to 2 in the mag' would have been understandable and balanced. 1 is laughable. [b]What do you think is good but could be better?[/b] -Hawkmoon feels like it is hitting shots, but it could be a great gun with a tiny bit more range. Now despite the accuracy buff it is still a Tier 2 option if you put it next to Vendor Palindrome, or any other nice rolled Hand Cannon. #MakeExoticsGreatAgain -I kinda dig the Red Death changes, strangely. Very curious to see how it will be when the next Hotfix comes in. -Mid ROF Pulses are not enticing at all, whether in PVP or PVE. They don't have enough "punch" to compete with the other archetypes. [b]What would you change? [/b] -Reduce the amount of time without HUD after Blink. And give Astrocyte Verse a real utility, like keeping the HUD at all time. Right now there is no reason for a Warlock to use a very cool looking helmet. -Add 1 rocket to Truth's mag. -Prevent Shadestep to evade tracking grenades. -Sidearms do not accumulate ammo through death. -Special Ammo changes tweaked : now we lose half our ammo after dying. With a change like people will be more inclined to go back fighting after a death instead of hiding in a corner waiting for special. Shotguns and fusions (high risks and fun weapons) will be back. -Stability buff to Mid ROF pulses. If those are not the most efficient archetype, let it be at least the easiest to use. Like the VoC archetype is now. -Stability buff for Fast ROF HC. If we need to spam the trigger to compete in TTK with Mid ROF, at least make the recoil controllable. -Reduce Stormcaller Armor while in Super. Whitout Special those guys are impossible to kill. Hammers and Blades are are protected in their Super, but the range of their Super allow their opponents a chance to kill them. -Reduce the efficiency of the FrostEEs boots, wombo spamming followed by Wormwod is obnoxious and it is a growing tendency. -Do not put anymore Extended Mag on a HMG. Unless we have a shutdown Super those guys are impossible to kill now with only primaries, and they can go on an easy 5-10 killstreak in 3v3.



                    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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