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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



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  • All these updates or Hot Fixes can be summed up in one word.... [spoiler]CHILDISH[/spoiler]



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  • 0
    Change the special ammo economy so you only lose 50% of your ammo upon death. Nerf side arm ammo to put it in line with other special weapons. Make super, grenade, and melee cool downs twice as long to promote gunplay. Also nerf the crap outa Skori and make it so you can only recharge one guardians super instead of six. Done



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  • Give us back special ammo, buff blink, buff everything put shit back to year 1 where the game was actually fun. This game is dry and dying the PvP now is a -blam!-ing joke and PvE is pointless just like max light...... seriously do you guys at Bungie even play your -blam!-ing game?



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    1 返信
    • Hand Cannons: damage fall off in PvE is far too punishing. My Fever & Remedy deals several THOUSAND less damage from the same range when fighting Malok since the update. They are completely useless in PvE now, this must be addressed



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      5 通の返信
      • Dear Bungie Team , First of all The Idea of reducing the amount of Special usage, to force more Primary fights in the crucible was a good step in the right direction . But for me personally , you did it the wrong way. Removing ammo on death is not the way to fix that. As long as we have Weapons that still generate or spawn with ammo , people will use them. And because there is only a few of them , you reduced the variety of the games Special weapons to almost 5 or less. Icebreaker - because ammo regen. No Land Beyond - because its a Special Weapon who spawns with ammo. Sidearms - because ammo Spawn. Maybe invective or Universal remote are also choices. As long as this Weapons have ammo , people will ue them. Thats absolutely logical. IMHO to make Special weapons "special" , we should limitate the Ammo in every match. Lets say that That everybody starts a match with the same amount of special ammo . Example for a 6v6 Match, 3s would be different. 1. You start with like 15 shots or more for a shotty/sniper/Fusion. Sidearms would have like 100. 2. If you die , you wont loose any ammo. 3. If you switch weapons ( From shotty to sniper or else) You wont loose any ammo. 4. Absolutely no Special Crates in the whole Match. 5. You can get a bigger amount of ammo at the start when using Armour with the right ammo perks. 6. Sidearms wont spawn with additional ammo , just the ammo you had before Death. But to bring them in line with shottys and Snipers , they may spawn with more ammo at the beginning of the match. 7. Icebreaker and invective will only generate 1 ammo when you get a primary kill. 8. To bring no land back in the Line , there must be a fix for both glitches on that weapon. Especially for the flinch glitch. This way Everyone has special. But must use it carefully. If you spamm your shotty at the beginning of a match , you will regret it later in the match. If you use them as a real "Special" Weapon , you will have ammo when you need it , but you cant spamm. If you ran out of Special , its your own fault. This way , they would feel "Special" Of course perks like replenish would be top tier , maybe they should get a slightly nerf then. In therms of pulse rifles, Bungie should think about getting rid of the whole 66-14 Archetype. We should change all the Weapons into the 73-7 type. This way we could use every Pulse rifle again. The 66-14 Type is pretty useless since the last big nerf to them. Low rof 59-30 rifles are high risk/reward weapons now , and the 73-7 and also the 77-4 are in a good place right now. We have so many weapons like nirwens or red death in a totally useless spot right now. And it would be awesome dust them off. And bring them back into the crucible. Maybe ill post my Ideas for hand cannons and auto rifles in a later post , i think thats enough wall of text right here. Please show your opinions Guardians.



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        3 通の返信
        • wardog8u2により編集済み: 2/23/2017 8:22:33 AM
          I hate the fact that we didn't get any vault space, put it on the ever verse store, I don't care if need to "buy" more vault space..!



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          5 通の返信
          • Just make it fast paced again like year1 in crucible I don't care what you do for PVE



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          • Why are you guys so afraid to touch hand cannons? I bet my life if Eyesluna and Palindrone were Pulse rifles you would have nerfed then a long time ago considering they are meeting two criteria: 1. Consistently remaining top tier for nearly a year 2. Popularity of use Top tier- Just do a Rumble match and notice the insane amount of Palindrone and Eyesluna dominating, I mean absolutely dominating the top 5 rank. Popularity- EVEN before this update these hand cannons were popular. Again play ANY game, any match and watch as the players load in and see what they are holding. How can a weapon that's been top tier this long not be controlled? Oh, you reduced the range? God roll a range finder! Oh accuracy? You guys added bloom? Hidden hand! HAND CANNONS HAVE BEEN THE MOST CONSISTENT WEAPON IN DESTINY; Their fire rate has NEVER been affected/reduced (unlike Grasp, Red Death, Clever Dragon, maybe even Suros Regime compared to its year 1 version) and their damage has NEVER been reduced by ANY percentage unlike Autos rifles, Pulse Rifles, Shotguns, etc. What's the point of offering players any other weapon besides a hand cannons honestly if you are going to change them so drastically to absolute uselessness?(auto rifles have been useless since the auto nerf TWO YEARS AGO!). What's the point of using a Pulse rifle if you are going to completely change the archetype and reduce their damage? (Clever dragon, Grasp of Malok, Waltz fire rate closer to Hawksaw, Blind Perdition) Nirwen's Mercy damage reduction. Of course players love hand cannons! Of course they will petition "oh don't nerf them" you MADE THEM SO DAMN RELIABLE, CONSISTENT THAT THEIR POPULARITY GREW! There no Auto Rifle users to make reddit threads to protect them! Nor any reliable amount of Pulse rifle users! You scare them off! My solution! STOP NERFING! Hand cannons and Pulse rifles were FINE WHERE THEY WERE! Buff AUTO RIFLES AND THATS IT! Shotguns running the show? Make sidearms BETTER! BUFF FUSION RIFLES! And for god sakes remove your lips from hand cannon fanboys posteriors!



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          • I love that people are forced to primary instead of sprinting around with a jug shield mapador. That crap was so stupid and annoying and took no skill. I think to fix special trials should start with special every round and only start with 4 and either no special boxes or if there is there is only 2 ammo per box. Time for special to not be the meta but it is a little broken at the moment. Fix that to counter side arm meta and it seems pretty balanced. Just my two cents. I'm no scrub. Over 2kd in trials and over 2k elo. Take it for what it's worth



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Like; weapons feel stronger in PVE Dislike; pretty much everything Crucible is terrible now. It's essentially just constantly picking up ammo and reloading, then running in and being absolutely decimated by the auto rifle you get from the trials of Osiris which is great if you can play them/ have people to do that with but if you don't then you're at a huge disadvantage now that the auto rifle damage has been increased. I mean it was bad enough facing one of those prior to this update but now it's just laughablely unfair. Grenades are a joke. The special ammo is so so annoying. Why not just make shotguns two shot kill like snipers are unless it's a headshot? Honestly it's almost unplayable now crucible, I've gone from consistently finishing in the top 3 almost every game to near enough the bottom every game. Awful



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            1 返信
            • Special ammo nerf needs attention. It doesnt work well for several game modes and hurts the flow of the matches waiting for box spawns. I think removing all reserve ammo except a single clip would help a lot and wouldn't force players into sidearms or exotics that they do not want to use. The changes to the bladedancer perks need to be reworked or rolled back. Quickdraw and Blink specifically. I am interested in the increase percentage gained from the healing perks in the next fix but Hungering blade probably needs to be rolled back too unless it actually feels substantial. The gun changes feel good, I don't think the HROF Pulses needed nerfed, the HC flinch changes should have been enough to help bring those into a good place.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • [b]What do you like?[/b] Bladedancer nerfs, Shinobus Vow nerfs, Clever Dragon nerf, Truth nerf. [b]What do you hate?[/b] - Special ammo changes. - Buff to hand cannons. - Shotgun nerfs. - Reduced health with max armor. - Blink nerf. Are you retarded or what? Blink was trash before. Still trash now. - Ophidian Aspect nerf. Like wow. [b]What do you think is good but could be better?[/b] Auto rifle buff. So useless. Nobody uses them, and if they do, they get shit on by Palindrome/Eyasluna/Hawksaw archetypes. [b]What would you change?[/b] Remove special ammo changes. Return shotgun in air accuracy to a higher value but not the same as before. Nerf hand cannons. Return Ophidian Aspects to their original state. Change Landfall nerf to Ionic Blink. Return health with max armor to normal. Nerf Lightning and Fusion Grenade. Fusions to ensure no trades happen, making them require skill to use instead of charging forward then throwing it. buffs: Medium rof pulse rifles damage, all auto rifles (full rof being the least affected) damage and accuracy, fusion rifle stability (very minor), shit exotics (too many to even list smfh), machine gun damage to combat grenades and horseshoes spammers. Nerfs: Palindrome archetype accuracy (minor), Hawksaw archetype stability (massive), remove rangefinder entirely from shotguns (you did it to shot package so stfu), No Land Beyond needs to be made a secondary - enough is enough.



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              1 返信
              • Are you ready to admit defeat yet? Sidearms account for 50% of kills in trials. 50! That's higher than shotguns ever where!



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                1 返信
                • Baggy 231により編集済み: 2/23/2017 12:35:04 AM
                  [u]Like:[/u] Hand Cannon accuracy. Special Ammunition economy is better. Shotgun Changes. Titan Jug Change. Stormcaller Melee. In-air accuracy. [u]Dislike:[/u] Change to Truth. Broken health regen perks (just put them back, they weren't game breaking). Sidearms not under the same ammunition rules as the rest of the specials. Change to Blink was pointless. [u]Needs Work:[/u] Auto-Rifles need just a tiny bit more of a bump. No Land needs the reload glitch fixed so you can push from cover after someone misses you. Skorri campers in the 3v3 playlist. [u]If it was my special ammunition sandbox:[/u] Have special ammunition spawn [u]twice[/u] per match halfway before and after heavy. You get one full clip (2 for sidearms) for your equipped special weapon, and you keep it until it's gone. Invective and Icebreaker shouldn't regen ammo in Crucible. No Land and Universal are fine in the primary slot. Without readily available special ammunition for backup players would have to commit to a very limited playstyle for those two weapons. If you're going to run a sniper or a shotgun in the primary slot you're going to have to commit to it.



                  マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                  7 通の返信
                  • PANDO1967により編集済み: 2/23/2017 12:24:48 AM
                    Rant number 6 Okay still not a dickie bird from you gutless clowns regarding this stupid bloody patch and other issues raised FYI this is a year 1 player who played in the dark days when if you didn't raid you couldn't get the top gear, who hid and fought from behind crates and managed to get the 2 lead up bosses to skolas This is the same person who if you check the stats on wasted on destiny is in embarrassingly in the top 1% wasters This is the same person who with a mate last night was knee deep in cheats/laggers in mayhem clash and supremacy (Over 50% for the record that's an entire team for gods sake). This is the same person that is a loyal customer to your brand and bullshit that is now just ignored battered and bruised and on the point of giving up on you as you haven't even the decency to respond to them and address the problems they raised with you Shame on you Bungie and the clowns your employing



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                    1 返信
                    • Please change all the nerfs on blade dance (except shinobos vows). Please change the special ammo economy and just lower the max amount of special per weapon class so it can't be abused. I.E snipers can have a max of 7 shots same with shotties just something so people don't have to rely on it as much. Making it so the only viable secondary is side arms makes this game very boring. I have over 2000 hrs on this game and i'm on the verge of quitting. Please don't ruin this game bungie...



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • I like hand canons etc but I think the loss of special was unnecessary



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                    • LIKE: Emphasis on primary gun fights HATE: You originally nerfed fusion rifles into the ground, then destroyed sniping (except for the best players) and now you have made shotguns almost pointless (all you need to do was nerf juggernaut). There are quite a few design flaws in this process: - slows down gameplay (people waiting for special) - less diversity in CQB engagements (all of the maps are designed for CQB) - less options to shutdown supers - less options for loadout types because sidearms are the only real option It feels like as a player just when I learn a new play style and loadout, bungie designers make major changes without thinking about the outcome. Of course sidearms would dominate with these changes. That is obvious to everyone. WHAT COUD BE BETTER: bring sniper rifles, and shotguns back. I love sidearms and I played with them a lot before the patch but now it's the only option. I'm bored to death in the crucible now. CHANGE: I think you could either allow all special ammo to remain on death or none. Sidearms should be balanced with the rest of the special weapon classes on range gameplay and DPS, not by having an inherent ammo advantage. Honestly, I think if you reverted back to the previous patch but reduced the time to kill for all primaries the game would be fairly well balanced. You started out with a new IP and the more changes that you guys make the closer it gets to Halo. If I wanted to play Halo I would. #KeepDestinyDestiny Destiny is fun because it rewards fast aggressive play. It also rewards gun skill. Please keep it that way and stop listening to the whiners. Most of the people that complain are the ones who haven't put in time to practice. You should also find a way to let the community play and vote on the changes before implementing them. Make a beta server that has a different login from the main screen. Good luck - and please stop the sidearm boredom ASAP.



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                    • SMELLtheGIoveにより編集済み: 2/22/2017 11:21:01 PM
                      I would first ask that every Bungie employee who is responsible for Crucible changes please go to GameStop or visit and purchase a copy of Destiny, so that they can get a first-hand look at the game they are working on. After some time with the game, Bungie's Crucible Team might even be able to pick up weapons , shoot, and throw grenades without looking at their controllers. This could go a long way in adding some legitimacy to your next stream. As of now, it is simply all too clear that nobody at Bungie owns or plays this game unless they are forced to do so for a stream. If the above is too much to ask of your team, please look for a competent studio that can take over the Crucible portion of your game. The average Destiny player knows a lot more about your game than your "expert" Crucible employees. Please just try playing the game for a little while so that you can get on the same page as your customers. If you still don't like the Destiny experience after playing it, please find someone who both plays the game and is willing to work on it more than once a year. Lastly, the orangutans responsible for this game's netcode don't seem to be up to the task. There are some freelance coders on Craigslist who would make a great improvement to this department.



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • Yea I don't really get it ... if other primary's were brought up to clever dragon's previous kill time , and not just a few guns , but every archetype , doing that plus a little nerf to the matador range probably would've been very well received by most people . Instead you messed with a bunch of stuff that didn't warrant it , totally flipped the ammo economy, ignored a huge issue with skorri and pissed off everyone .



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • All the crucible tweak did was create another meta. Instead of Clever Dragons and m64s, now it's the nlb/wormwood or low ROF auto/trespasser. Even the Invective with it's ammo regen takes 3-4 rounds to kill anything but an agility-built hunter. I was never a good sniper, so ice breaker is moot. I have no grimmoire for sidearms in either PvP or PvE, so i can't understand why you have a sudden hard on for them? They're -blam!-ing garbage, but now my other shit is useless cuz a few of your employees can't counter a mapador with his primary? And where do you get off catering to the trials-hards? Nerf Truth cuz they used it too often? ToO is such a small section of your users, but you've done everything but cup their balls while you're blowing them, then turning to the rest of us with a smile and telling us "it's for the best". And let me get this straight: I rarely use my Titan in PvP, and even then, never with a jug shield. I used shotguns and fusions equally cuz, like I stated earlier, I suck with a sniper and sidearms just plain suck. I've been playing this game almost exclusively since the beginning of House of Wolves. Today I ejected your [i] broke ass[/i] game and started playing Skyrim again cuz Bethesda never fellated a Trials whore and then spat his nut chum in my face. And to think, all had to do was not completely monkey--blam!- this game, and I'd have gladly handed over a c-note for D:2 and its future DLC. Swing and a miss, Bungie. I hope you step on a Lego.



                      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

                    • LIKE: Changes to pulse rifles and autorifles. The high-impact pulse rifles are almost up to 8% below their original power level (which was the nerf we were originally promised; we just got hit with 20 and that turned 'em into crap). LIKE: The way primary use in Crucible is being encouraged. HATE: The accidental nerfs. DISLIKE: The fact that some of those nerfs are being kept. DISLIKE: Stormcaller's "new" melee. Isn't it now just an arc version of normal warlock melee? No burn effects, no range, no overshield, no life steal... you pretty much get the same effect on most enemies whether your melee is charged or not. DISLIKE: The way sidearms are the only really viable special weapon in the Crucible. I can see encouraging people to try them, but this goes a bit beyond that. [b]CHANGE: New special ammo system in Crucible.[/b] Fusions and low-impact snipers/shotguns start with five rounds, get three back with each chest (they spawn at the pre-patch rate, 3-2-2-2). Max carry capacity IN PvP ONLY is nine rounds. High-impact snipers and shotties start with four rounds, get two back with each chest. Max capacity in PvP is also nine. Lord of wolves gets 30 to start, 15 per chest. Max capacity in PvP is 60. Sidearms are unchanged.



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                      2 通の返信
                      • Cozmo, you're useless.



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                      • Skinny-Rogerにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 1:30:20 AM
                        I'm so pissed off at you guys for screwing up pvp... small edit: You created really cool gameplay, got paid, and slowly but gradually altered it into a bullshit storm where pvp is a nlb sidearm fest. .. The question is ... WHY?



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                      • Special changes have got to go Cozmo, why aren't you talking to us???? Its a failed experiment.



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                        1 返信
                        • I like the special ammo gone by death. Hate sidearms keeping special ammo. Hate Truth nerf. Hate the unprofessional sandbox team. Hate the health regen nerfs. Hate the sniper flinch nerf. Hate skill based matchmaking. Hate how theres no news about Destiny 2. Vault of glass raid and Crota's End raid gear and weapons update to 400 light would be nice. More Vault Space. Iron banner weapon dusty engrams. Buff last word would be nice. Buff Vex Mythoclast too. Reversing every bad nerf which had more negative votes and comments than positive ones. Hardcore youtube players like More Console and Nkuch to be invited to test builds of patches to test and give feedback about revisions to a patch before it goes live. Consider all this and maybe Bungie can save themselves from a sinking ship.



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