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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Here's some more feedback for ya. Laggy players who lag that bad that you can't even pick up ammo are back in full force!! 3 games in a row now.



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  • I was enjoying the patch until the sandbox became riddle with nothing but sidearms with essentially unlimited ammo. No loss of ammo on death n now they can pick up way more ammo crates to keep em from ever running out of special. Wtf bungie thought you were addressing special ammo instead of creating a meta shift from shotgun to sidearm. I dont remember blink losing radar capabilities for that long before the patch but i hate using bladedancer with the radar nerf now. Havent you neefed blade enuff already?!



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  • vD00Mにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 11:38:32 PM
    First things first realistically when's the next patch? Like this month, next month? I ask because if the patch is over 8 weeks away then this feed back forum is a waste. With that said the changes in secondary economy is bad. Side arms being able hold secondary including reserve and not the other secondaries after death or at the start of trials rounds is obviously moronic and needs to be fixed like yesterday. On a grander scope the current removal of secondaries is too drastic and really driving down competitive weapon diversity which is ultimately the point of the balance. How I would fix this? Fact is secondaries will always outperform primaries in terms of TTK but the gap between the two can be lowered with small balance changes. There are as follows. Buff primaries (which is what we asked for and did not get enough of.) 1. Increase damage of all autos at CQC ranges by up to 20% depending on proximity to better handle secondary rushers. CQC max ranges would be HRF = 15 meters (only 5% DMG increase at max range) MRF = 23 meters LRF = 30 meters 2. Side to side recoil for all autos 100% decrease. This will allow other perks outside of counterbalance to be viable and will allow auto rifles to be more consistent and increase there ease of use but maintaining there low potential ceiling with low optimal TTK at medium to far ranges. 3. Decrease weapon incoming flinch on all scout rifles. Increase head shot multiplier by 5%. - Mida: reduce AA by 40% and equip speed by 20%. 4. Pulse rifles. Decrease base stability and range for both clever dragon and hawksaw archetype by 35%. Increase rate of fire and head shot multiplier by 5% across all pulse rifles! Finally reverse all secondary ammo changes but update the following. Reduce 100m open radius to 30m. When you die you lose the remainder of loaded ammo. Ammo does not auto reload on re spawn. Decrease loaded ammo and reserve ammo by 1 bullets for high impact secondaries. For example matador would only have 4 bullets in the mag instead of 5 and reserve will be decreased to 2 (I believe). Instead of decrease apply an increase 1/1 to MRF secondaries, and 2/2 to HRF secondaries. NLB allow flinch reload speed decreases by 40% and reload speed decreases further pending if moving and movement speed during reload animation. Ice breaker have 50% decrease in handling and equip speed. Sniper scope glare a bright orange. All snipers decrease 35% in AA and target acquisition. All side arms ammo will remain the same across all archetypes however HRF side arms gain 35% increase weapon handling and equip speed. 23% for MRF and 10% for LRF. That is all.



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  • LeGrand Daddyにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 11:21:45 PM
    I like that SOME primaries were buffed but you nerfed some too unfortunately. Leave Red death alone, you already neutered it! The flinch from HRF pulses was all that needed a nerf if any and mainly HCR. I definitely don't feel HCR working in scouts at all. I don't like what you've done with special ammo. Your intention was to encourage diversity, right? Obviously that's not happening. Wormwood and sidearms generally are the new Matador 64 of before. Shotguns are working very unreliably now too, not just from aerial attacks either. Even if you choose to not sidearm, you have to go for special more and get sniped for your efforts by an icebreaker camper who knows anyone not running a sidearm will be along soon. It's no good, just no good at all. You really ought to rethink this update and consider rolling it back almost completely and starting from scratch.



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  • I like more Primaries. I hate less Specials and the Sidearm takeover. The Auto Rifle buffs were good but need to also buff body shot damage as well since Hand Cannons & Pulse Rifles are destroying Auto Rifles at their intended ranges. The ammo changes could've been better like. -Only losing the loaded ammo in Specials. -Make Special Brick drop from enemies Guardians. -Specials should instantly load into empty weapon like Heavy ammo.



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    1 返信
    • This has got to be the worst update to date, why have you been continuously nerfing the warlock class and boosting everyone else?! You added more danage to shouldercharge for what?! Like it wasn't op already. Also you might as well get rid of blink and add something else at this point since it seems like the ultimate goal is to make it liability. The classes are far from equal, you guys messed up. The auto rifle boost was okay but it's a little to far, and the reduction of ammo for clever dragon plus reducing it's fire rate has made the weapon useless. This update was a horrendous decision.



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      3 通の返信
      • 新しいトピックを作成: Handcannons pve destroyd(17 通の返信))

      • Wth happened to astrocyte verse buff like really? Wtf is this helmet?



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      • Moore primary battles is great. That should be the objective. But you should have just buffed the primaries. Instead of screwing up your game.



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        2 通の返信
        • U killed shotguns. With the nerfs and ammo it's just a waste of a special slot. If that was your intentions then good job



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        • Army of one and grenadier both seem to be glitched. I can't get either to proc on PS4 or Xbox1. Sorry if this has already been mentioned.



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        • Rant number 7 Hello Bungie radio silence still be maintained, 7 whole days have gone by since your last bull dust news update Anyway down to business year 1 player battered and bruised by your absolute disregard of their loyalty, yada yada yada has. In today's news 2 Americans, an English man and two Australians ventured into the crucible, again as earlier stated 20-50% of players encountered were cheating to the extent in a rift game that we left the game in minutes as it was like a poor mans version of the matrix two pairs of the opposition team were full red bar lagging to the extent they were teleporting around the arena, naively I took a screen shot of all players if any one is interested Now unfortunately the misery didn't end there we were in clash, mayhem clash and supremacy matches with green bar indestructible types also Now as stated in earlier rants I relied on my scout rifle to keep distance between me and these cheating filth and then relied on my dear old dusty shotgun to try and kill them at close quarters but alas those days are gone So once more with feeling reverse this god awful patch and please do something about the cheating vermin destroying this game and the community of honest veterans who are in this game using their hard earned skills and trying to enjoy it I've seen the financial reports on Taken King expansion grossing you many times expected earnings, God knows what you got on rise of iron so live a little and plough back a few bucks to look after the loyal honest players of this game and rid us of these vermin for once and all and respond to the community in uproar at this stupid bloody patch And for the sake of decency could we get an update or news report from your marvellous media machine as stone cold silence is only frustrating us further Hoping to hear from you soon



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        • All the buffs/nerfs aside. I'm raising another issue. Crucible last night was disgusting! Bungie it really doesn't matter what weapon changes you make when you've got half the opposing team red barring and skipping all around the map. In point one player had a whopping positive K/D ratio post match...with a 10 kill streak as added bonus. Hardly surprising as he/she was full red bar for the entire mayhem match and was taking little to no damage and bouncing around the map like a rabbit on turbo charged energy drink. Others on my side noticed it too and either quit early or sat down mid match. I stuck around because I was a sadist. It's no wonder it ended up a 4v6 match...and that's with join in's. But from now on I'm quitting any and all matches that have godly red bar warriors. In addition should I ever see MY connection slip into red I'm simply returning to orbit. I don't care if others report me for quitting but I'm simply not going to be a part of (or add to) the problem Bungie have ignored for 3 years. Your patch is worthless when the very core of PvP is broken. We'll talk buffs/nerfs later when you get the basics right yeah?



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          5 通の返信
          • Bungie, things used to be fine in year 1, don't take this the bad way I mean it with all respect, things really were better in year 1, you could tweak some stuff a little but ya gotta think of what your patches will do to pve. Listen to us man. I expect a response one day, and please, be honest.



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          • While updates are tough and take some getting used to I have no real complaints that wouldn't be me just whining that my OP clever dragon is balanced as it should be. All my comments are in relation to the special change - Certain sidearms seem to be too powerful and defeat the goal of the primary game that was intended. Secondly, I am in agreement that there needed to be a change to special but usually when something works but could be better you tweak it until its right not start from scratch and redesign the whole thing. Especially when the bungie team could have looked to how power weapons(like special) were used in halo. My suggestion stems from a conversation I had with another player who along with myself were huge halo 2 and halo 3 fans. My suggestion while rough around the edges takes a different twist than what others have posted and I have not considered the effect on each game mode. 1. Everyone spawns with NO special ammo. (Round 1 or beginning of game) 2. 30 seconds into the game 1 Special Ammo crate spawns in the middle of the map or some central location (Could be 15 or up to 45 but want to capture the initial push like going for rockets on long hall of the Pit). (This crate I compare to a power weapon from the halo days) This crate would drop 1.5x the ammo of other crates and brings a more strategic edge to getting special first. I also make this suggestion because it encourages the use of primary weapons. This crate would continually spawn throughout the game at a normal ammo drop at 45-60 second intervals. As this is in the center it would be tougher to get this crate. 3. Special ammo crates would spawn in their normal objective/spawn areas around the map however these would have 1 of 2 options to discourage special farming/camping. Option A. These crates would spawn with less ammo than the current updates crates or Option B. These would have a longer spawn cycle at maybe 120-180 seconds the first spawn on these crates would be 30 seconds after the center crate spawns so that while there is an advantage to the first crate the unsuccessful team has the ability to counter. I feel this would be to discourage people from sitting back and farming special as it would be unlikely to pick up 2 crates and alternatively you can limit it so that you could only pick up one of the spawn/objective crates. 4. Upon Death or the end of a round the special ammo that you have remaining would stay with the player. Alternatively if this allows players too much special upon death or the end of the round ammo greater than 1 full clip would be eliminated leaving only 1 clip(or partial clip if less than full) of special after death or each round. As I mentioned I did not take into consideration all game modes/maps etc. However, I think this would still encourage greater Primary Weapon use than was previously used before the recent update but would incorporate more special than the current update. Additionally this would create a more strategic push and team play than exists in many game modes. Again I would equate this back to halo power weapon spawns where team work gives an advantage. While some may say this first crate is no different than a heavy push the difference here is that no supers would be available and it would be a primary only battle. Would love to hear feedback on what others think but regardless of the direction it goes it needs to be addressed soon. I have seen very little positive feedback on the special change and many would likely rather go back to the old way while a new improved change is developed.



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          • I like that auto rifles are slowly making a comeback to the crucible, and a little more variety is on the horizon. Sidearms. Ever since the patch sidearms have been used a lot more often and kill almost faster than a last word. Hungering blade was not really a problem to be honest it was a factor of the subclass, it be nice if it could be the way it used to. As I said auto rifles are better now, but we could have room for improvements. Just the Hungering Blade. The patch saved us all from matador finally, I'd like to see the how the new meta kicks in, and well I have to say the patch was not excellent, but it was a good one. Thank you Bungie.



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          • FL0Rにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 5:46:27 PM



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          • FL0Rにより編集済み: 2/23/2017 4:52:34 PM
            Year 1 please



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          • It may work its way down over time, but at the moment there are just too many sidearms running rampant and ruining the best "primary meta" I've seen from Destiny...



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          • Hey Bungie. Don't listen to the snowflakes complaining. The fix is great. Finally players are using their primaries and it's making for better matches. The special ammo drops are just right so no need to change that just maybe start sidearms with default ammo on respawn. Keep in mind players come on here to complain for the most part. You won't find too many who like the change to come on the forums and tell you how much they like it. I team up with different players for raids and most think it's much better. Even most of the Youtubers like it. Keep up the great work and give us a tease of Destiny 2 already.



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            11 通の返信
            • Mainly for me i dont like the special ammo change. Its a mind thing for me, having to search for ammo all the time after respawn is frustrating especially since spawn points have been screwed up. Every game i either get spawned in around the other team or vice versa. Not really been an issue before but now it plays a part in the way a match flows. Other than that weapons have more diversity.



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            • Wormwoods everywhere you look, seriously this guy in a clash match had only sidearm kills. Is this your intention?



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              2 通の返信
              • I love that we made the made fairer with more primary gun fights in crucible. I hate that people have resorted to using No Land Beyond to snipe, and using sidearms to take advantage of the special ammo. If I could change how the hotfix went I would change the losing special ammo on death to losing half on death that way people can still have their special weapons to use if they die constantly or are just bad in crucible (like me)



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              • What do I like?: I like the autorifle buff, I like the pulse rifle nerf. What do I hate?: I hate the handcannon buff, I hate the special ammo change, I hate that you neutered bladedancer, you also ruined shotguns, and you made trials a hell hole. What do I think is good and could be better?: I like seeing autorifles, but I barely see any... Nerf handcannons damage please. Or just buff all the other weapon's damage. What would I change?: Make Destiny how it was during HoW, but add a little more damage to autos and make fusions better.



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                5 通の返信
                • [quote]There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?[/quote] Loucura, fizeram merda!



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                • All these updates or Hot Fixes can be summed up in one word.... [spoiler]CHILDISH[/spoiler]



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