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2/16/2017 8:16:15 PM

Hotfix Feedback

There are a lot of threads out there already on the new changes, but I wanted to give a central location to point everyone to when they ask me where they can share their thoughts. Now that you have had a few days to play the new changes we want to hear what you experiences have been playing. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think is good but could be better? What would you change?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Mark my words mark them deeply all the sub par players and crying kids will all be back on the forums bitching and crying about being killed by side arms just as hard whining about the shotguns. I have played thousands and thousands of crucible games and if you get killed by a specific weapon it is because of YOU not the game not the other player but because YOU made the mistakes of putting yourself in the situation that allowed you to be killed by that specific weapon!!! I have not once complained about being killed by a shot gun NOT ONCE because you dodge, duck, weave, slide, and stay out of the wrong areas, that shit is on YOU!!! I have NEVER seen a generation that takes ZERO responsibility for anything INCLUDING getting getting killed in a video game!!! HOLY SHIT how WRONG and FUUUUCKED UP is that?????? Spineless and gutless is the new normal this is making me what to puke, take some personal responsibility for ONCE or find something else to do I mean this is disgusting principles and lack of integrity to the nth degree...



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    3 通の返信
    • Too many sidearms - game feels more "unbalanced" than before. The special ammo situation is the obvious offender here. If you want people to use primaries then buff primaries!!!! So many NLB's also knocking around because of lack of special ammo. Please don't wait to long to fix this...



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    • vD00Mにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 4:26:11 PM
      Are secondaries so much more dominant then primaries that this drastic secondary economy change should be in place? If you asked me secondaries do play nice with the primaries but adjust the following. 1. Reduce carried and reserve ammo 30%-50% for high impact secondaries. % nerf based on individual secondary weapon usage. 2. Reduce Aim Assistance and target acquisition 50-75%. % nerf based on individual secondary weapon usage. 3. Buff Autos weapon base damage 10% 20-10 meters away from enemy. 20% 10-0 meters away from enemy. Reasoning is no primary can really bang with most secondaries right now at close ranges and autos still don't have a competitive place in the meta. Give it that and maybe HC won't be the be all and end all of primary choices. 4. Reverse all secondary economy changes but change secondary box location to B flag of the map. Or keep box drop locations the same but only one person can pick up ammo when opening the box. Like rumble.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • Make it so sidearms don't retain ammo on death. Bring them in line with the other specials. Move no land beyond to the special slot. Give truth it's ammo back. It's a shame that people run legendary rockets over an exotic one. That's all from me.



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      5 通の返信
      • Glennyにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 8:34:19 AM
        Cozmo here is a hateless down to the point response. - what do I love? Handcannon accuracy buff. I feel like running a handcannon without rangefinder can be useful again. - what do I hate? The obvious. Lose Special on death, this hasn't stopped players using specials, they have simply all moved to sidearms, icebreaker and no land - what do you think is good but could be better? The overall primary balance is good, however I think the nerwins mercy archetype of pulserifles, high rate of fire autos and highest impact handcannons need to be looked at as none of these are viable right now - what would you change? Increase the TTK on primary's at close range. I'm talking 50% increase once your in shotgun range. Why? If your being shot point blank by anything it's going to be more effective, but you aren't mapping people with this newfound damage either, but can effectively take down a charging shotgunner. That was all we needed. You should have buffed other weapons to match clever dragon and that alone would have stopped the matador abuse. Also killing shotguns has taken away some level of fun as despite there frequent use they are (were) very fun weapons, Instead you pull a 180 and take away ammo on death, all this does is help good players do better by camping special, and bad players who die frequently, get frustrated having no ammo and simply decide to play another game. Please consider this feedback, thanks Edit: I will say, the QuickDraw nerf also was strange. You wanted to combat shotgun rushers yet this perk saved my bacon many times by defense special attacks myself. The amount of times I played my warlock and saw a titan rushing me only for me to quickly swap to a fusion/matador/ or my last word if I am using a sniper was plenty. Now I'm maining striker or nightstalker. They seem the best classes left



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        5 通の返信
        • Hunters void bow kills with out hitting you? Make it so it need to hit you and not 5 ft on the wall or floor.



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          3 通の返信
          • I think the root cause of the issue is the lack of weapon balance updates since destiny initially released. The outcry from this balance update was that after all this time we received a poor quality update. On top of that we may be left with this unbalanced meta for who knows how long. Add on the fact that many of the weapon balance and class changes missed the mark. Some of obvious changes needed (ionic blink nerf, defender buff) were not addressed. All in all myself and MANY people who play this game have lost faith in the game being properly supported to create a balanced and fun game experience. I'm not directly saying fire Josh and the people in charge of balancing decisions but there is an obvious need for some changes for how and the cadence for weapon balancing. If that's not a priority and then expect people's interest to keep playing and to buy D2 to be low. Overwatch is showing how a game can be supported in terms of balancing. Not apples to apples but the gap in balancing support is too glaring.



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          • Yeixにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 3:24:37 PM
            Bungie you broke my heart 💔year 2 was the best the story more complex and deep. I remember you did something similar to special ammo on year 2 but lose especial ammo when you die not cool bro. I survive so many nerf and updates maybe this is just another trial of The Speaker & Traveler. Hopefully your next update or destiny 2 can surpass the excitement I had when I play taken king 😍I still believe in you👍 for destiny 2 can you make customize character hair, eyes etc the females look lIke a man. Bring More planets and an option to be able to do nightfall & raids by yourself (challenging but no to much time consuming). Sometimes I just want to do strikes by myself but somebody else join to ruin my solo journey. You gave us sparrow racing what about spaceship flying racing. The ability to change our names, have more classes or races and lastly matchmaking haha oh boy skill base please no fun in easy wins or masacre runs. DarkGothicNinja out!



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          • My main dislike is the special ammo changes



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          • Hey Guys, before that Patch was coming i were very quiet about the Weapons. Right now i´m Really -blam!-ed up. You´re destroyed my Bladedancer. You took the Special Ammo away... BUNGIE ARE YOU F***ING SERIOUS?? Why...??? Nobody knows in the Studio i think. Why you want to destroy the whole Game? Did you check the Counting of Players who are playing at the Weekend Trials? I love this Game. But if you will do not anything i will quit this Game like a lot of other People. And believe me if i will quit with Destiny i would´nt begin with Destiny 2. DO SOMETHING



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            3 通の返信
            • Ioにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 1:31:33 PM
              Well, first off it's nice that you buffed hand cannons but you guys really need to lower their target acquisition. I'm getting hit with palindromes and lil baby hawkmoon when I shouldn't and they shouldn't be able to overpower a scout or auto. Two, sidearms are the new shotgun and the fact that they re spawn with ammo, better yet all the previous ammo that you picked up is a worse than shotguns, and no matter what people say, PvP shotguns are still annoying and I still get one hit by them from a distance. Three, give snipers, shotguns, and fusion rifles ammo. We wanted a nerf to shotguns not be able to not even use them aside from Ice breaker, no land, and Invective which is now useless. Four, I'm sick of working for hours to try to get primary exotic engrams and then get the same guns over and over. The only random drop I need is Jade Rabbit and I can't even get it. Red Death is still underpowered and you decide to upgrade only suros? The only good legendary autos are ones with focused fire like my Shadow Price that I've had forever. Fast firing autos are still just feather dusters and not what they could be. Again, sidearms like wormwood, and Trespasser are fine, but the fact that sidearms respawn with ammo is unfair to a sniper. I love destiny and I have since release back on my 360, but I really think this is a bad change to secondaries. Even though I main my void warlock, blink shouldn't have been Nerfed because it has always been fine. The crucible is not how it was and it won't ever be. The crit shotgun fix is a step in the right direction but please listen to your whole community. We want a change for the better, not what your single guy who thinks something is op because he dies by its opinion. Please just be open ears on us



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • It sucks, but not only does it suck, its a waste of time. Bungie dedicated so many weekly updates to this hotfix, one would think it's destiny 2, not a general rebalance. For the love of god, just nerf matador, don't duck everything else up, and stop acting like this is such a big deal because Iu don't have any new content, we know.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • I think the game is broken, i like that i´m not facing all of those shotguns warriors, but a god counter for that was a fusion. So the only thing that had to be done was nerf on matador and the shotgun range. The Wormwood took the place of matador and sidearm for shotguns What i don´t understand is if you pick up a ammo crate for your sidearm why do you get to keep it when you die (or next round in trials) it should be downed to the amount that you spawn with, its op to have 90 shots for your sidearm but none for the others special weapon. The nerf on pulse was to hard, just because the flinch with high caliber rounds on the clever dragon was op it was´t necessary to nerf the frames on it or the grasp, the grasp was not op it had a low flinch. I like primary gun fight but i don´t like facing three no lands and sidearm in trials, that´s not a good meta. Ice breaker and No land are not OP in it self but becomes OP because its no counter option, a small buff to scouts and we have a counter to it.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • short and simple: I die more by the hands of different weapons (suros as well). I die as much I did by shotguns, now by sidearms. definitely sidearms should lose their ammo as well. why all special lose and sidearms not? # feedback, #pvp



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            • Hi Cozmo, I already commented on this but wanted to post direct answers to your questions: What do you like? -Goodbye to the abuse of shotguns What do you hate? -Losing the freedom to use my sniper What do you think is good but could be better? -The intention of promoting primary fights is great, but the way you tried to do so has gone wrong. NLB, Icebreaker, and sidearms are NOT primaries (NLB technically is, but you get what I’m saying). What would you change? -In death, lose most of your special ammo, BUT NOT ALL. You should keep a full magazine or at least a couple of bullets to defend yourself. That way primaries will still be more relevant than before, without specials being totally useless. Have a nice day. Love your game.



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            • Had another go tonight and in 2 hours I was only able to play six matches (matchmaking took forever). Control x 5 and 1 clash. All five control matches didn't make it to 20000 points and the time limit was reached each time. Everyone has already learnt not to be in hand cannon and sidearm range including myself. This was the most boring game play I think I have ever experienced. I hope others are enjoying the new changes but I cannot say I am.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • Hate : special ammo situation ... supers are out of control Irresponsible changes result in less players ... more lag as less people close by are playing



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • Played a few more games last night. [i]What do you like?[/i] I've learned to use a sidearm, something I really haven't had to do up until now. Solar damage to throwing knives (thank you!). [i]What do you hate?[/i] The change to special. I used my primary by far over my special (check my stats), but used special defensively. Basically I can't easily play the fusion rifle special game that I like to play - just much more efficient to use a sidearm. Hate that these changes offer a game with less variety. NLB and IB are used to circumvent the changes you intended. Sidearms are used to circumvent the changes. Basically the community is telling you what they think of the change to special by finding easy ways to get around it. The Trials weapon usage stats last week are obscene. You got rid of shotgun apes and created sidearm apes. Your decision not to roll back the ALL of the "unintended" changes. If they were really accidental, they were untested and unintended, and need to be rolled back immediately. Nerfing GoM/Clever - these primaries were good, and were used because they were good. Funny that you want people to play more of a primary game, then nerf a couple of good primaries. Seems like the answer would have been to bring other primaries up? Autos still can't readily compete with hand cannons, or sidearms. [i]What would you change?[/i] Changes to PVP should be more frequent, more surgical, and less drastic. You could have made a few changes to shotguns, implemented it, and see how it goes. Instead you remove special, nerf abilities, etc. Seems like the folks at Bungie crave community controversy and player disdain. These PVP changes really need to stop negatively affecting PVE. Again, you are almost intentionally creating player animosity and resentment, which would seem like a "Thou shalt not" from a community relations perspective.



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            • The only thing I hate about the new patch is the special ammo keep it for trails only or put it in trails.



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            • What is liked? Hand cannon accuracy. What is hated? Complete loss of special. Skorri is still a problem. Hand cannon damage falloff is a little overdone. What can be changed? Health regeneration put back across the board. Arc blade needs a little armor buff since you basically got to be face to face. Exotic Hand cannons still aren't as good as Legendary hand cannons (Luna & Pali mainly) NLB should have flinch of other snipers. You should lose some special ammo, but not all. Maybe 50% every time you die.



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            • E-Wizzy1028により編集済み: 2/21/2017 10:55:54 AM
              Bungie & Activision doesn't Care about its Customers "Bump this Please & Thank you" I've been playing games since I was a child, and I've never seen such disrespect to its fans than this game so here are some of the problems I've seen heard or have been through myself in this game since I started playing 11 months ago. 1st. I can't refer my girlfriend as a friend in the Refer-a-Friend (which I did before the 7 day limit which is stupid BTW why is there a seven day limit? why isn't it just a one time offer whom ever you want as long as they've never gotten the quest before and after completing it with said friend you can't do it again) 2nd. I Keep getting thrown out of the game for six months even after I've updated my internet/Wifi to its top speed I've spoken to both Sony & My Internet provider a dozen times and each time they've checked there service everything was fine (I've also checked it Myself) Weasel, Beetle, Baboon, Boar, Elderberry, Bee even Rabbit for weeks this has been happening. I'm sick of your BS excuse Why don't you create a customer services. 3th. Constant glitches during the Raids (Enough Said) 4th. No Customer Service and/or contact number - I Don't Like the fact Bungie & Activision has No contact number it is the greatest insult to fans especially those who aren't very not familiar with email or twitter. most of all, I feel its just an excuse for Bungie & Activision to not have to deal with players directly this is a problem and It should change Immediately if Rockstar games has a Customer Service (which are very nice) then why can't Bungie & Activision ............I know I'm not alone on this 5th. the boring & unfair Grind - (Anybody who has played Final Fantasy or any other kind of RPG will understand this.) In-between or after the main story there are other things to do in the game rather its secret items, weapons, armor or even boss battles. most people may have missed these things and will want to go back Explore and/or complete them in order to get the reward. but in Destiny your not guaranteed the reward. I have all the exotics in only 11 months while others have struggling to get one or two specific exotics since the year 1 of destiny and have yet to get it. Even if you win (or do well) in a crucible your not guaranteed a reward why offer guaranteed rewards for the top three best in each match and for the last three its random. you can only play a raid once a week and most of the time, your luck to get anything. FYI Not everybody wants to keep playing the same strike over & over again, because it gets boring. the Taken King was really good and started to give the game the boost it need. but then before you know it got boring again. because No one has leaned there lesson yet. And Last. Me or My Girlfriend can't even join up with each other on the same Fireteam - Enough is Enough I love this game & I've been very tolerant of a lot of things within this game from DLC prices to in game glitches but the Last problem is where I draw the line. THERE IS NO REASON WHY I CAN'T JOIN UP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND OR SHE CAN'T JOIN UP WITH ME. AND I DON'T WANT HEAR ITS BECAUSE OF THERE SERVERS BECAUSE BY SAYING YOUR EXCUSING THE CHEAP & DEFECTIVE SOFTWARE OF BUNGIE & ACTIVISION. I have more reason but I'm going to get into it today all I know is there better be a character, weapons/armor or even Light level transfer or I'm not buying destiny 2.



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            • PANDO1967により編集済み: 2/21/2017 10:44:28 AM
              This is my 4th post on this god forsaken patch, Why do sidearm users get to keep their ammo on death and not the rest of us do the clowns behind this atrocity want us all to use piddling little sidearms? I learnt to use a shotgun as a back up to my scout rifle the only strategy viable to cope with all the laggers in pvp, I have never killed any player at a scale distance of more than 5 to 10 yards, I have been killed by people at 30 yards and more but as I have ranted about earlier pvp/Osiris is riddled with cheats, so once more Bungie time to get up off your fat overpaid asses and fix this patch and for the first time in three years of being a long suffering customer of yours do something a bout the filthy cheating dirtbags destroying this game 5th rant incoming Technical point on shotguns Can you please either bugger up every other secondary weapon or give me back my critical hit with a shotgun, not only is this destroying pvp but as mentioned in earlier rant I learnt how to use my shotgun and have practiced in pve with it and now no critical damage in either is just not right. Finally warlock sunsinger self res is not working or transporting my character again this has only manifested since the infamous goddammned patch so be a sweetie and sort this crap outg



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            • Dallasalladにより編集済み: 2/21/2017 10:15:34 AM



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            • Hi Cozmo, I feel overall the patch is a step in the right direction. However, I have a few points to make. Hungering Blade should be restored to its former self, the fact that in super, blade regularly short-stops and is very inconsistent should be trade-off enough. Lifesteal needs to be restored to post patch state, it was one of the main reasons to use voidwalker so don't take that away. The red death change is baffling, it's been a very weak weapon since Y1. The truth change was completely left field, if a change was needed then keep 2 in the chamber not 1! Why change blink? Surely from the data that Bungie regards far too highly it's apparent that blink is rarely used anymore? I would like to see the sidearm respawn ammo tweaked slightly so it only gets a full two mags max after death, otherwise the special changes are fantastic. I would like to mention that the transparency of changes and communication has been a lot more positive with this patch and is definitely something that needs to continue in the future. Going forward, Bungie needs stop relying so heavily on data, there are plenty of ways to discover what balance changes may be required rather than looking at numbers. Also, the reasoning behind these changes need to be looked at. It's clear to everyone that landfall was barely used in comparison to ionic blink yet the change was made to the former? Sorry for the essay! Overall changes were great so sorry if this comes as overly negative.



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            • MY 2 CENTS FROM A FELLOW GUARDIAN. Wormwood has been around since the rise of iron came out yet no one was using that gun and now it's become the new matador 64 so WHAT HAS CHANGED??? This new hot fix is pure BS! Bungie isn't really changing anything. They say they "supposedly" made this new meta better when in actuality it's the same sh!t. Instead of everyone using shotguns now they're using sidearms (wormwood in particular). I'm just triggered at my last crucible match where a titan was constantly shooting me with his WORMWOOD sidearm while I'm shooting him with my primary weapon. It's not like I can use any other secondary weapon beside another sidearm to kill the opponent. IN MY OPINION BUNGIE NEEDS TO REVERSE ALL THE NERFS THAT HAS EVER BEEN DONE AND LEAVE THE DAMN GAME ALONE... PEOPLE ARE HAVING FUN WITH WHAT THEY HAVE BECOME COMFORTABLE USING STOP TRYING TO MAKE THINGS BETTER YOU'RE ONLY MAKING IT WORSE. IF IM COMFORTABLE USING FUSION RIFLES INSTEAD OF SIDEARMS WHY FORCE ME TO USE A GUN I'M NOT COMFORTABLE USING??



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              17 通の返信
              • Sidearms: Need to go to only one mag of Ammo on respawn. Special Ammo: Return Special ammo spawns to 90 seconds but only take away 75% of ammo on respawn. Regen perks: Part of me wants to say undo all the changes but I get them to a certain extent with the lack of one shot kill options, perhaps the higher regen amount will fix this i am not sure. Fix Red death along side Suros (why one and not the other, makes no sense) Blink: Undo the dumb changes blink is not OP and hasn't been for a very long time. Quickdraw: Maintain the nerf on ophidian aspects they were a little OP (im a warlock main so no hate, just being honest) Fix the blade dancer node blade dancer is not strong at the moment anyway. To be honest other than that im enjoying the primary meta.



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