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Jphn_33により編集済み: 1/17/2017 5:30:04 PM

A surprising upside to Trump's presidency

Now, a small disclaimer before I move on to the meat of my post. I am vehemently opposed to Trump being elected, as some may have seen, and I have very strong distaste for the fact that he won out. That being said, I am seeing an unintended positive effect of this controversial election. People are caring about politics. Having elected such a spiteful and controversial figurehead, the nation will now scrutinize absolutely everything he does- to criticize, to praise, or simply to report. Due to the strong dislike people have for him, or their zealous following he has gathered, people are watching like never before. The man has not even taken office yet, and his 100 day plan has arguably gotten more media attention and criticism than any recent president. His cabinet picks alone are making splashes in places where normally, nobody cared who they were. Because he has gathered so much hate and passion, Trump has placed himself under a microscope. People care about what he does. People care what is going on in the nation, down to the little things. I have to say, it is refreshing to see, and I'd rather it happen under more favorable circumstances, but I'm glad to see at least one good thing out of all of this. [spoiler]I apologize for any holes in my argument or if it is poorly written in places. Been a hectic day today.[/spoiler]



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