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Destiny について話し合おう
Demiseにより編集済み: 12/28/2016 7:21:20 PM

The Eliksni, (Tech) A Series By BlightedSpirit

Eliksni Technology Hello and welcome to another post of The Eliksni series, in today's post we will be discussing the technological advancements that they have created. And comparing our technology to their's. Their ships, the most basic ship is the Skiff. It is composed of a piloting area in the front with a small elongated bay with dropholes for troops. Not to mention clamps if they are transporting a walker. These ships are powered by 2 big thrusters protruding out of the back of the piloting area and small ones surrounding them. The other ship we know of is the Ketch, the ketch is a massive ship with lots of housing space and area for vehicles and machines. The piloting compartments is a small turbine shaped building next to gigantic thruster. This can be scene in multiple cinematics including the queen. The ketch is used for light years of travel. And can hold skiffs and walkers in it's hangars. As well as pikes. Then we have the Walker, a breakthrough in AI piloted technology. This is controlled by a computing centerpiece. And also has multiple weapons, like the main cannon, energy missiles, and cluster bombs. It can also launch shanks from two side vents. Servitors and Shanks are interesting as they are both units and tech, the servitor's purpose is usually to create Ether and feed it to the Fallen. Servitor's can also become gods, or pilots of a ketch. Shanks are units used for scouting but have been armed for infantry-like use. Multiple units of shanks are created. Like Exploder, Repeater, and Scout. Servitors and Shanks are efficient because they don't use Ether to be built for the most time. Pikes and Heavy Pikes, are floating motorcycle like vehicles able to traverse barren and thick land like Venus and Luna's. They can deploy energy proton shots and sometimes cluster bombs. Another piece of interesting technology they have is their armor created by each house's splicers. Their armor is advanced so much that they can customize a planet's air to their liking with their armor so they can breath, and being able to process unknown elements into ether easily. Link To Previous Post About Biology: Link To Next Post: Sources: Grimoire Ishtar Commander DESTINY (The Game) Edit: Added section for both Servitors and Shanks!



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