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Destiny について話し合おう
12/20/2016 10:19:20 AM

How do you Fare with RNGesus?

Just a post to see how my fellow guardians have fared with RNG during their time in destiny. I'll post my most infamous RNG woes, and I'd like you guys to do the same! Just for fun haha. The VEX MYTHOCLAST: Ahhh I miss this beauty, bring er up bungo! 27 Vault of Glass Completions before snagging one! (Then had about 3 more drop in the next 5 raids.... smh) Hawkmoon. My baby. My queen. My year one primary of choice. This was my SECOND to last year one exotic to drop. Got it from doing a random Nexus Mind strike. I literally just stared at my screen grinning for about 20 minutes. Good times. The Crux for Necrochasm: 31 Crota's End Raids. Got it about 3 weeks before the taken king. RIP Year 3 Thorn: actually got this bounty to drop after only about 17 Shiro bounties, not tooooo shabby. Year 3 Ice Breaker: so far I'm 0-4. :(



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