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Destiny について話し合おう
11/16/2016 1:45:41 AM

Wrath of the Machine Vosik Challenge strategy

I came up with an awesome strat for vosik earlier today and here it is: Step1: Split into two teams of three, each team having a leader and two others. Step2: Put the two others on each side and the leaders in the middle. Step3: Do boss normally until DPS. When DPS comes, do DPS. When Bombs fall have leaders stop doing DPS and grab them. Step4: Have group 1's leader say the room his team needs to go to. Group 2's leader says there room. For example: "Team 1, Left back" "Team 2, right back." You always want to try to have the groups go to the side that their group has more people on For the first part. This removes everyone telling for people to go to the correct rooms. Only two people will be talking. Step5: Throw Bombs at door panels. Rinse and repeat. Tip: Put two highest lights as leaders in middle and have them shoot monitors.



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