But you won't be able to transfer them until January cause that's when GameFreak will update Pokèmon Bank to transfer between Gen 6 & Gen 7...
If you don't mind knowing all the Pokémon found in Sun and Moon, there's a team planner someone made from when the demo got data mined. I've been playing around with it while waiting for the games to come out. [b]It shows what the team you make up with the available Pokémon are weak to, resistant to, and immune to based off Pokémon typing. [u]Not sure if abilities are taken into account for this.[/u][/b] [b]Again, this contains most, if not all the Pokémon found in Pokémon Sun and Moon. So theres spoilers.[/b] [url=https://richi3f.github.io/pokemon-team-planner/#]link[/url]
I can't watch the video right now so I'm just going to assume that you're talking about this.
Yo, I'm finally getting a 3ds and plan on getting pokemon Y. Do any of you know how to get a shiny hone edge? Would love one on my team :)
2 通の返信
I'm very ready. I'm getting Moon, so if any sunbathers need some version exclusives, message me and I'll try and help you out.