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Legend To Noneにより編集済み: 12/26/2015 11:58:57 AM

A Frosty Christmas Story Conclusion (2016)

[b]After 2 years the time has come. The Jolly conclusion to this Frosty Christmas Story. Enjoy![/b] [i]Well the time has arrived, Christmas is finally here. The day everyone loves out of the year. The day family and friends get together The day we buy gifts for each other. That special time of the year when parents get to enjoy lying to their children. Constantly reminding them of Santa every season. that time kids will reflect on the past to learn education can be used to manipulate the ignorant. Christmas is the universal season of being with family and caring for others. It sure is magical how humanity can come together over one idea. For one little girl Deindra, Christmas was all but boring.. Just yesterday Grandpa Henry snuck in and told Susie the truth about Santa. Despite his best efforts, Susie still believes, awful. Steve went last minute shopping last night Little do they know, Steve Left a boy to starve alone, he may be dead by now.. They all opened their gifts The presents couldn’t have been more perfect. Deindra knew after tonight everything is back to normal Another empty day, just with more belongings though. Deindra didn’t have much going on for her, no problem. The magic was all around her. Deindra knew tonight wouldn’t last long To spend time with family or friends would be a moment to look back on. Years just keep going by Deindra has to make the best of it sometime. With all that’s happened this year Deindra, Susie, and Steve could all agree This has to be one of the best Christmases The Merry Christmas of 2015. [/i] Thank you guys for reading. Hope you all had a great Christmas! With Star Wars around its a great season. [spoiler]No TL;DR required. But enjoy muh art (Courtesy of some advice from Installation 01 Team)[/spoiler]



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