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Guardian1963により編集済み: 11/13/2016 12:55:33 AM

Tick rate trades and hit registration (long)

Found this post explained kill trades and hit reg. quite well. Thought I'd post it here for all the people that don't use reddit (if those kind of people exist anyway) I'll just post the main body, if you wanna see the edit just go to the link. All credit goes the the wonderful sylph22. So to start off lets explain what exactly a tickrate is. Simply put its the number of times per second a server does the damage calculations. Meaning a tickrate of 128 has the server running the numbers every 7ms for all of the shots fired in that window. Imagine you have a 7ms window to perform your actions before they are put to a lower tier of priority. Most servers will take any shots any explosions and calculate who lived who died who had x amount of damage done to them within this window. Meaning that a higher tickrate means a lower window for kill trading because 7ms is an impossibly small window for 2 players to shoot at the same time. Yeah that's cool and all but how does this affect me? Well most modern games run at least at a 32hz tickrate meaning a slight window for kill trading but overall pretty tight and since many games still run at 32FPS 32 tickrate matches up pretty well with the amount of frames the game shows. Every frame the damage you did in the previous frame is dished out and is noticeable. Problems arise however when games have a lower tickrate than their FPS limits because the "lag" is more noticeable. During the early days of Battlefield 4 the developers had the game at a fairly low 30hz tickrate which players bitched and moaned about until they changed it for 32 player games up to 45hz and gave players the options to set their own tickrates on their servers on PC between 30, 60 and 90hz. Overwatch received a massive amount of criticism for having a 30 tickrate so blizzard upgraded it to 60hz. Now a game I hold near and dear CS:GO has the option to put the tickrate all the way up to 144hz to match with the 144hz monitors the super competitive players use. There is a reason that in all of CS:GO history there has not ever been a recorded kill trade on competitive servers. It is impossible, the window is just too small for it to happen. Ok, ok, all these games have tickrates but why should I care, what is the tickrate for Destiny? Well, that's the thing, we don't really know. Doing some searching reveals individual tests and the general consensus seems to be this. 10 Going to let that sink in for some time. Alright I think that's long enough. Yes, 10, that is the reason you kill trade so often. In a game that is 32FPS that means that on average 3 frames have gone by or one tenth of a second, or 100ms before the server wakes up and tells the game what happened. There is no reason to say why this was decided to be the rate, could be latency, could be legacy consoles most likely its because of this the weird way in which Bungie uses shared computing between user's PS4s to sub in for dedicated servers. It is revolutionary for sure but it takes away from the processing power of the PS4 that could otherwise be used to, oh, I don't know. Maybe give us 60 FPS in an era where all of the competition is running at 60 FPS and possibly just maybe a higher tickrate. So there you have it everyone, if the game feels sluggish it's not because of that terrible redbar, its not because your network isn't set up right, its because the game runs a tickrate less than a third of what the average is in today's gaming environment. Like I said previously this wasn't meant to provide a solution, just giving information and hopefully some understanding. Also to tickrate skeptics page 88 already linked this in the post but now I have the specific page #



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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