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Cozmo_BNGにより編集済み: 5/9/2017 7:47:16 PM

Community Wish List

The [url=]old post[/url] was no longer showing as pinned. This happens after a post gets too many comments, say 20,000+ for example. This fresh one should be more visible. Quoted below is the existing Community Wish List that was being curated by Destiny Player Support. I’m taking over this initiative and will be updating the list once a week. I love reading feedback, but we can all agree that there is a lot of it to sort through. In order to make sure you get your idea seen, post a new topic to the [url=]#Feedback[/url] forum and add the tag #CommunityWishList. This will give us an easy way to review all of your ideas you would like to be added to the list. Please remember that this is not a To-Do List for Bungie. We can’t promise that every idea is being worked on actively. Our goal here is to confirm that your feedback has been received. Everything on this list are things that the players of Destiny have repeatedly asked for. [quote]If you’d like to see new items placed on this list, start a [b]New Topic[/b] on this [b]Feedback board[/b]. Popular opinion matters! Topics that trend on this forum are more powerful than comments on this post. [b]This list is not in any order whatsoever.[/b] [b]Here are the most frequent community wishes for Destiny:[/b] -Transmogrification -Guardian Facial Hair -Vault Sorting Options -Crucible Map Voting -Expanding Faction Interaction -Aim Assist Toggle Option -Additional Matchmaking Options -Material Stack Size Increase -Player Trading -Additional Guardian Customization Options -Alternating Spawns During Trials of Osiris -Add ability to dismantle items from postmaster -Easier way to use ammo synthesis -Hardcore playlist with no Supers and limited equip -Firing range added to the Tower -Ability to assign emotes to other slots -Monthly PVE event like Iron Banner -Swords only gametype -Kiosks for Raid gear -Increase in ammo reserves for PVE -Strike map voting -Make Class Items cosmetic only [/quote] [quote][b]Wishlist Items added to the Game[/b] -Rotating Stock on Tower Vendors [i]Added in Update 2.6.0[/i] -Higher difficulty for legacy Raids like Vault of Glass and Crota's End [i]Added in Update 2.6.0[/i] -Make a Year 3 Vex Mythoclast [i]Added in Update 2.6.0[/i] -Make Twilight Garrison change color with Shaders [i]Added in Update 2.6.0[/i] -Add all Strikes to Heroic Vanguard and Nightfall playlist [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Bring back Sparrow Racing League [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Make Wormspore purchasable [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Increase drop rate for Skeleton Keys [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Make a Year 3 Icebreaker [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Add additional methods to receive Queen's Reputation [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Automatically dismantle Uncommon(Green) items on pick up [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Make Xûr sell Exotic Shards again [i]Added in Update 2.5.0[/i] -Gun Skins - [i]Ornaments Added in Update[/i] -Ability to purchase Armor Materials - [i]Added in Update[/i] -Add more uses for Artifacts - [i]Added in Update[/i] -In Game Clan Roster - [i]Added in Update 2.4.0[/i] -Private Crucible Matches - [i]Added in Update 2.4.0[/i] -Increase effectiveness of Super abilities - [i]Added in Update 2.3.0[/i] -Fix melee issues - [i]Applied in Hotfix[/i] -Improvements to Raid rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Higher difficulty for Prison of Elders with Year 2 rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Increase in Light carried over when Infusing - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Ability to purchase Weapon Parts - [i]Added in Update 2.0.2[/i] -Additional Storage/Vault Options - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -More Ghost Skins - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -Deleted Item Retrieval - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](For some items) -Dismantle Consumable Items [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](Turned in for Rep, Motes, etc)[/quote] Watch this space for updates, and keep talking to us about Destiny.



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  • Atomicにより編集済み: 9/24/2017 3:28:00 PM
    Make raids more rewarding get rid of tokens and put the old system back also fix the infusion system o the old system



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  • Remove light locks on engrams



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    1 返信
    • Clan setting customizations: I would be nice to have the option to show off line even with clan members. Some times after a day at work were I talk to people all day. I would like to jump on and just play alone for a few min. With out getting hit up a bunch. ( I know first world problems) but it would be nice to have the option. Just saying



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    • Return to D1 year 2 infusion system. Hell even taken king infusion system. Current one sucks the fun right out of the game because I'm being forced to use other weapons that I hate using just to increase my light level.



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    • Tractor cannon only game mode



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    • DeusFeverにより編集済み: 10/9/2017 6:48:31 PM
      [u]Let's look at the wishlist and see how D2 is doing:[/u] -Transmogrification: You know what, let's call it infusion and say it's done. -Guardian Facial Hair: Nope! -Vault Sorting Options: Nope! -Crucible Map Voting: Nope! -Expanding Faction Interaction: Faction Rally? -Aim Assist Toggle Option: Nope! -Additional Matchmaking Options: Nope! -Material Stack Size Increase: don't know yet -Player Trading: Nope! -Additional Guardian Customization Options: Nope! Not even new ones for the new game. -Alternating Spawns During Trials of Osiris: Done. -Add ability to dismantle items from postmaster: Nope! -Easier way to use ammo synthesis: Very easy. There is no ammo synthesis. Happy now, community? -Hardcore playlist with no Supers and limited equip: Nope! -Firing range added to the Tower: Nope! -Ability to assign emotes to other slots: Nope! -Monthly PVE event like Iron Banner: Nope! -Swords only gametype: Nope! -Kiosks for Raid gear: Nope! -Increase in ammo reserves for PVE: Nope! Seems like we have fewer reserves in D2. -Strike map voting: Nope! -Make Class Items cosmetic only: Nope! [u]Things the community never asked for:[/u] -4v4 only Crucible: Done. -Remove Special Ammo slot: Done. -Reward raiding (and Iron Banner) with tokens: Done. -Make strikes irrelevant: Done. -Remove freelancer (solo) playslist: Done. -Make shaders consumable: Done. Wow, if you look at this list, Destiny 2 is off to a great start.



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      2 通の返信
      • Seriously though, so many bugs need fixed atm. From the prestige nightfall not working, the strike with the giant shrieker is bugged, the Arcadia shotgun quest, the drain chest in the raid not showing up once the door is opened. Nameless midnight not going to my postmaster when my inventory was full during the early parts of the campaign, (which i still have yet to receive) I can go on and on, please fix your game Bungie



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      • Exotics in Destiny 2 should be a little more exotic worthy and there should be more of them



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        2 通の返信
        • What I said recently in a post. About what the game lacks [b]#1: NPC & Interactions[/b] With the Player Character now a silent protagonist, this is the perfect moment to introduce NPC conversation and interactions like we have seen in Elder Scrolls and previous Fallout games. Give the player another avenue to learn about the world while also establishing relationships with characters. Make the Ghost a character we can interact with. Who we can ask questions. Who we can develop a connection with. No one cared about the Last City because they never had any opportunity to talk with them. RPGs make sure that their worlds are Full of characters for players to interact with, both large and small, that make it feel alive. [b]#2: Side Quests[/b] This goes back to adding more NPCs. Adding a plethora of side quests to the various NPCs gives the players reasons to explore the environments. They can be tiny things like; “Please find my Spouse/Child/Pet”, “Please check out this dungeon”, “Please escort me to a location”, etc. little things that flesh out the world. But also having Long storylines that don't pertain to the main story is very important as well. Side Quests also serve as a great way to flesh out the world. [b]#3: Wildlife[/b] Destiny takes place 1000 years in the future. I'm sure with nature taking over, and who knows what was done in the golden age, that there are plenty of fauna for players to see running around. Deer, Elk, Wild Dogs, Birds, maybe a bear, etc. The world is a big place, fill it. Just like NPCs, open world games feel empty without wildlife. [b]#4: character creation[/b] I would think that when you take advantage of creating a sequel and implement a better character creation. Simply put we need more options when creating a character. We have very few faces to choose from and we can't customize facial features such as, the nose, ears, mouth, eyes, chin, cheekbones, eyebrows, etc. Also where are the beards? There's a character we meet in destiny 2 who has a beard, but we can’t get one? [b]#5: Lore[/b] This is the Big One. Like other Story heavy games, have a lore codex that players can look at in the game. Have it start out with any basic information the player is curious about, then have it update with each new finding, encounter, and as you progress through the story. Also put Books, Journals, Audio files, Drawings, etc. things that players can check out. Fill the ruins of humanity with lore about the Golden Age. Having the option to ask the Ghost questions about the world, would be a great way to introduce and immerse players into the universe. But Make sure that lore can be talked about through NPC interaction. (The Fact that DOOM has a better lore system is troubling, considering story doesn’t matter in that game at all.) [b]This one is more of a nitpick #6: Camera[/b] Give the players the option to move between first and third person perspective. Don't make it so they have to use first in combat and third in social. Forcing different camera perspectives takes away immersion and leaves the player with less options. That's my take on what the game is missing and would really have made it one of the next Great Games. I think that Bungie really should have gone all out and overhauled the game when they had a chance.



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        • Weapon balancing pls. Scout Rifles are over powered. Side arms are inconsistent. Every shotgun for some reason has a ridiculous amount of range even if the stat says it does not.



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        • The ability to play the -blam!-ing game without 1) error codes 2) servers being offline for "scheduled" maintenance If you're going to release a game at least for god's sake make sure it would be up 24/7 for the first 2 weeks. Im rushing to complete the raid after coming back from work and I have to deal with this offline server bullshit.



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        • The ability to dismantle gear from within the Destiny app might be useful.



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        • Fixes I would suggest: Class Ability: This needs a complete overhaul. I thought of two very different ways to balance while not editing warlock or titan: 1. Keep the dodge the same. Add the smoke grenade as a second ability that can either make everyone go invisible or give an overshield (no regen to it, just a one time overshield) in an area where the smoke was thrown. This makes the hunter have some use for the entire team. Set dodge to double tap circle and the smoke to holding circle on PS4 2. Make the dodge usable much more often, and give it either invincibility frames or a smaller hitbox with increased damage absorption. Currently, it just gives the other person more time to shoot the hunter. The two options of the roll would be: 1) Go invisible like in nightstalker after the roll. This would be useful since they can't damage you during the roll with what I am suggesting (or heavily reduced damage) and then you would go invisible. This would be a great evasion ability, so to balance make the roll every 20 seconds with the timer starting after the invisibility is broken. The invisibility lasts 3 seconds.. Teammates would have a 2 second invis in a 5 meter radius. 2) Start health regen immediately and get back 15% of your clip (pulled from reserves). Teammates in a 2.5 meter radius would also get these effects. Roll can be used every 30 seconds. These sound overpowered for a moment, but when a titan can just toss up a wall to block everything (including multiple supers), or a warlock can continue to get health throughout a firefight, it suddenly doesn't sound OP. It would mess people up because of tracking since you are moving around. 3.Also, as a sidenote another option would be to keep it the same as it is currently but add Invincibility frames and be used every 5 seconds. arcstrider: Add blink. Increase mobility when using arcstrider in some way is necessary gunslinger: Make the 3-shot versus 6-shot an option separate from everything else. nightstalker: Buff damage against tethered enemies. Start tethering the moment it hits into something. The smoke grenade would have to be changed if that became the class ability as suggested in the first option above. The reason the subclasses would not need many buffs is because the hunter would primarily focus on its class ability. The mobility from that alone would make the hunter feel amazingly unique and useful to the team if the 1st or 2nd option for the class ability were chosen. I know I am not perfect in balancing hunters, nor will it be perfect for a long time. It will take testing. I decided it would be better to buff hunter than to nerf titan and warlock. I also know that there are some edits to both titan and warlock would be nice, and this just addresses the hunter issue.



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        • Exotic game mode in pvp where there's no limit on how many exotics we can equip, kinda like mayhem clash but with weapons and armour.



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        • PattyMak696により編集済み: 10/5/2017 7:26:06 PM



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        • I would like to see a level and a reputation number with my factions please. Plus gathering materials shouldn't give so little especially since it's a gamble when roaming about in a public space



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        • Improve skill tree. It's currently pointless due to the lack of choice/scope.



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        • Ok cozmo can we have the option to go helmets off all the time...... and what about owning pikes just come up with a story about how banchee, Amanda can't figure our the fallen tech... so the guns would be disabled.... but seriously can we get the helmets off option



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        • All i have to say... is F---ing pleasure gardens



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        • Rabaalにより編集済み: 9/14/2017 2:04:01 AM
          A few lines of dialogue so our heroes don't look like dopes. Cayde literally asks us a direct question and we stand there like an idiot...



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        • Pope_Dorito_IIにより編集済み: 9/14/2017 12:33:53 AM
          Hunter scarvesfor Destiny 2, please bring them back, i know its kind of stupid but i seriously dont play as a hunter due to the fact im forced to wear a cloak, you have some really nicely detailed armor for the hunter and yet wearing a cloak hides it. No hooded scarves either just a plain old makeshift scarf again would be great 😁



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        • Give players the ability to interact with NPC's using dialogue boxes or wheels. That way we're not just a mute and blank protagonist with nothing to offer



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        • jshmitttyにより編集済み: 9/13/2017 4:25:02 AM
          Is that a Destiny 2 popular problems list? You didn't even include the issue with shaders... or problems with servers... trials of Osiris is still considered an "issue" on this list? How often does this get revised? Glad to see bungo cares. ...also I want to be able to take and equip items from the postmaster. I've only wanted that since D1 BETA



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        • You forgot buff/fix hunters



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        • My wish is to greatly increase modification and shader slots in the vault. Mine are already full! P.S. side wish. Would be nice to be able to get my mida gun that disappeared after I completed the quest (and doesn't show at the NPC that I turned in the quest to.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

        • My biggest issue is not being able to have a 4man fire team outside crucible.... Why get 4 friends to enter pvp. Just to tell one person you can't join us when we are done



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