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Mr.Cowにより編集済み: 10/30/2016 8:07:27 PM

I Love Texas

Just ordered this monster at the new BBQ place down the Street. Feeds 4. Chopped Brisket, Pulled Pork, Smoked Sausage, Baby Back Ribs, Smoked Bologna and Sliced Brisket with Texas Toast covering each end. Yeehaw mfs 🔫 ︻┳═一🇺🇸🇨🇱 Edit 1: Knee Deep came on the radio on the way home so I rolled my truck windows down and blasted it all the way home. Feels good man. Edit 2: Who would dare downvote this amazing act of freedom, and fast cars;) [spoiler]$5 for anyone who can catch that reference[/spoiler] [spoiler]Yeah I know that's the Chile flags fyi[/spoiler]



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