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Judge of Javaにより編集済み: 10/18/2016 5:48:16 PM

Can We At Least Re-Roll The Stats on Our Legendary Armor?

Perk re-rolling was pretty cool during HoW, but for (somewhat) understandable reasons, was removed. We have Glass Needles that we can use to re-roll our exotic armor pieces, but no such option exists for Legendary armor. I'm not particularly interested in being able to re-roll the perks on the armor. I'd just like to be able to re-roll the Intellect/Discipline/Strength bonuses on the armor to better fit my playstyle. Maybe for the cost of 5-10 legendary marks, 10-15 armor mats and a mote of light or two, we could get the option of being able to do just that. I think this should also apply to Ghost shells and Artifacts, but I'd [b]REALLY[/b] like to see it implemented for armor/class items.



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