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10/7/2016 4:39:01 AM

Outfits for Destiny 2

As a gamer, one thing I adore is the ability to make my character how I want them to be made. A part of that, is making them look as bada** as possible, without losing their actual bada**ery in the process. Destiny, a game with quite a bit of great looking armor but limited in actual powerful and good-looking ones, is one that I have a hard time balancing in. While the game has come a long way in, well, everything really, the look of gear has changed to go with it. And recently, that gear change comes in bringing back original gear, and a new feature to give players more power to control their gears appearance. Ornaments, those hard to miss and even harder to find extra touches to make certain pieces of gear pop over others. While I myself have invested deeply in this new move toward customization, I am still bothered by the fact I cannot where the gear I want visually without being weak in the process. While the ornaments do give players a bit more control in their armor appearance, it is still limiting as it prevents players from changing every armor to visually look like another. Thus, I have posted this in hopes of starting a petition to bring in outfits in Destiny 2. For those who don't know, an outfit, from what I've had experience in past MMOs, is a feature that changes the visuals of your character’s gear without losing the stats on said gear. This does not change the gear's perks, stats, abilities, so forth, but it instead changes its appearance to match something else. It's a feature I absolutely adore, and really opens up player variety and allows the community to make their character look the way they want. For a game like Destiny, which is inspired by MMOs, outfits seem to be a feature that could only enhance the game's diverse community, allowing players to look how they want. More often then I can count, I've encountered players wearing the exact same look as me because while it may have different stats, the look is always the same. It gets to the point where your guardian is only distinguished by the shader he has on, and the look of his face which may never be seen in the player hubs. While the games limited in what it can do now, in part because it's nearing it's end, there should be no reason why this cannot be addressed in its sequal. The game has certainly come a long way from where it began, and it does still have a way to go, but this is something that as a fan I believe should be looked at to further the creativity in the community. Imagine your in a player hub, and walk by a character who uses the helmet of a titan, chest piece of a warlock, and the legs and boots of hunter. The reaction could be rather amazing, as it can spawn numerous adjustments and so forth to make your own character try to top what you just saw. The point is, outfits would be a great addition to Destiny 2. Besides, who wouldn't think a Titan dressed as a warlock doing a Bubble Shield would look awesome. Or a hunter running around with a hammer would be silly. Or, and this should really make you wonder, a warlock with the appearance of a titan using lightning. The results could be quite interesting, and fun as well!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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