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10/5/2016 4:56:57 PM

WSU Guardians Rules and Details

Welcome to the WSU Guardians! Just to get the basic announcements out of the way, the following are the Rules and Details about this group/clan. To verify, WSU is an acronym for Weber State Unviersity, a college in Utah, USA. Rules: * Bungie's Rules aren't excepted. This is their service we are using for organization and to play Destiny. * Respect other's privacy. While this group may be local to a specific community, some people may not wish to "meet IRL". Revision: Just respect each other in general. * WSU students and alumni are both permitted here. * Do not pressure other Guardians to ignore their responsibilities to their degree program. Your education comes before Destiny and this group. Details: * This group [b]has not[/b] been organized as a WSU sponsored club. We receive no funding from the college, and we do not fly their banner in any MLG activities. This does not mean pursuing sponsorship is out of the question. * In respect of your Information Security, it [b]will not[/b] be requested of you to provide proof of being a WSU student. That being said, your integrity on the matter of being a WSU student is requested.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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