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Onion Beetle Fanにより編集済み: 9/8/2016 5:53:40 AM

Russian Fighter Buzzes U.S. Surveillance Plane

[quote]Encounter comes amid growing tension between two powers A Russian jet fighter conducted what the Pentagon described as an “unsafe,” close-range intercept of a U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft in international airspace over the Black Sea Wednesday, at one point closing to within 10 feet, U.S. officials said. The maneuver came amid growing Washington-Moscow tensions over talks in Syria, a cease-fire in Ukraine and mounting U.S. concern that Russian hackers are [url=]targeting U.S. electoral systems[/url]. Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said the intercept lasted about 19 minutes and described it as a potentially dangerous maneuver. “These actions have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions, and could result in a miscalculation or accident,” Capt. Davis said. A U.S. defense official said the Russian Su-27 maintained a 30-foot distance from the U.S. P-8A Poseidon aircraft before closing to within 10 feet, a perilously close brush. Russia [url=]has denied it is behind recent cyberattacks[/url] in the U.S. against the Democratic National Committee and said Wednesday [url=]that talks with the U.S. over Syria may continue this week[/url]. The U.S. didn’t confirm any planned talks on Syria following a failure by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin to forge a deal on the [url=]sidelines of an international summit in China this week[/url]. Russia hadn’t commented late Wednesday on the U.S. complaints about the Black Sea confrontation. [/quote] Fishy.



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