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Destiny について話し合おう
Sydergizerにより編集済み: 9/10/2016 8:16:22 PM

Sunbreaker vs night stalker vs gunslinger

Sun breaker






What should my Pvp main be and list why



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • KaratekAlanにより編集済み: 9/11/2016 7:55:40 PM
    Sun breaker is out of the discussion for a main. The only thing it really has going for it is that you can spec double fusions recharging at 12.5 seconds if specced appropriately. The super is very difficult to use and someone can easily jump around and avoid it even if you lead your shots. I only use it in Mayhem and do very well with it because I can use suncharge to counter everything. Other than the fusion grenades. the neutral game is [i]awful[/i]. The melee has the worst damage and range of any other melee, and the perks that you can spec for it are useless. Both Nightstalker and Gunslinger are very good choices for a main, I would get familiar with them both. Nightstalker has arguably the best neutral game in the whole game, and I would suggest pairing keen scout with graviton forfeit. That way, you have a detailed radar, an evade that can dodge tracking grenades, and a grenade/melee combo that can kill people fairly quickly, although it is not guaranteed like it once was. The super is not great, but use black hole and you can tether people from very far away. Gunslinger has an excellent super game and a mediocre neutral game. The super will beat any other super 1 on 1 because of it being hit scan, having high aim assist, and having enough damage to 1 shot any super, including a striker mid fist of havoc. However, don't use it stupidly while you are weak or while others see you because you don't get damage reduction while in it. The neutral game is decent, but not as good as nightstalker in my opinion. Throwing Knife is still great, and if you can aim with it can save you in situations that you really should have died in. I don't really like tripmine, and I find that I kill myself with it more than others. Use it if you are good with it, but otherwise just use incendiary. Hope you appreciate my insight :) Edit: To avoid having to make the same points in these replies, here are some more things: While I maybe bashed sun breaker neutral game a little too hard, compared to the others I just feel it is outclassed, and at best barely matches gunslinger neutral game. The melee is the worst of the 3, and while you can get multi kills with thermal vent, this is not going to happen very often. It has the lowest range in the game, the least instant damage, and to top it off, thermal vent doesn't even do full damage most of the time. As for the grenades, incendiary is a good choice, but gunslingers can (and probably will spec it most of the time), so you are left with grenades that match gunslinger nades and a melee that is outclassed.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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