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Destiny について話し合おう
8/31/2016 7:10:03 PM

Mara Sov Speculation for Destiny 2.

At the beginning of the taken king cinematic, after the ghosts monologue we hear Mara Sov speaking. Her words were 'I remember everything about the day I was born. I still bear the scars. The Awoken are MY FAMILY NOW. And I am their queen. We fought to keep our beautiful creation safe, and now this beast has come claiming to be king. Mara Sov bows to no one.' She's then surrounded by her guard to summon Axion Bolts to attack the Dreadnaught. Could it be, that Eris is her mother? She was born in the depths of the hive and maybe the spawn of Crota, or Oryx or one of the many hive priests? The hive are known for their destruction, if she is part hive - the power she summoned to destroy the Dreadnaught rivals that of an Ultra like the Pride of Oryx - Malok. She talks about her birth, and how she still bears the scars. Was she born out of a hive ritual performed on Eris? Could that be the reason why her eyes were taken? This is all speculative since we don't have much history on the Queen or the time Eris spent surrounded by the hive. I'm also interested in the three guards surrounding Mara Sov during her attack and Oryxs retaliation, they had a similar look to Exalted hive wizards. Does Savathun have a place in all of this? And will Destiny 2 clear up the relationship between Eris and Mara, along with what really happened in the pit. And if Savathun is involved, are Eris and the Queen pawns in her game for being freed from the depth of Crotas pit? I'd like to hear some of your thoughts, again this is all speculative, but her monologue in the taken king opening sequence has a lot behind it, if only a few words.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • They weren't guards, they were the techeuns (awoken priests who are given powers through implants), and the things they summoned were harbingers (we're not entirely sure what exactly they are, but they can have children and are currently doing so within the dreadnought). As for Mara and Eris, they're friends but not blood relatives. There is a lot of evidence however that link the Hive and awoken together. Mara could possibly be Savathûn or Taox, though that's higly speculative.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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