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Destiny について話し合おう
Zelronsにより編集済み: 8/27/2016 8:34:58 PM

Mysterious red boxes on Venus

By pure coincidence I was monkeying around in the Waking Ruins and found a strange red box that seemed to be completely out of place. It looks like a data terminal of some sort that is using the wrong textures. I could have sworn i've seen that model somewhere else before that was using textures that made sense, so I went looking around for it. About ten minutes later I actually found a second one in the Hall of Whispers. After that I figured that there's got to be something to this if there's two of them. So I took to the internet and found some posts on Reddit and Kotako about them saying they were discovered about a year ago (along with some very inaccurate speculation). I don't remember ever seeing anything related to these at all around that time. They just seem so out of place to their surroundings that it feels like they were intentionally placed there. I already tried to rent movies from it but so far they're completely unresponsive. So i'm at a loss as to what they're for. Waking Ruins: [url=]Box[/url] | [url=]Location[/url] Hall of Whispers: [url=]Box[/url] | [url=]Location[/url]



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