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Destiny について話し合おう
8/23/2016 3:16:16 PM

Nightfall Solo - Undying Mind - Aug 23rd - Void Burn

0:57 - Opening area with Hydras 16:25 - Staircase 20:37 - Precursor Vex Waves (or Taken Wizard) 33:08 - Black Garden Traversal towards Boss room 38:55 - Undying Mind Boss Sorry this one got long guys, you can use the time stamps just above to jump to certain sections of the videos. Bring a high impact Void Sniper for sure, and also a void rocket launcher, Truth if you have it. Take your time and be patient. The Minotaurs are going to be tough as they hit really hard and take some shots to go down even with the burn. Depending on what you get for spawns after the stairs the Taken section can be a lot faster if you take out the yellow bar wizard with some rockets. Again i know this week is a slow video but many things can kill you quickly when solo, so it took some time to make sure I didn't wipe. With more people you can be a bit more aggressive but you can go down quickly if you aren't paying attention. Also the Undying Mind is void so be very careful of his shots, they will take you out quick as well. Good luck, have fun and you can also check me out at: Twitch – Twitter -



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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