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Destiny について話し合おう
7/21/2016 9:37:48 PM

People forget what video games are for

So ive been in this forum for about 3 months now. Been playing destiny since about midway thru year 1. And all ive seen is complaining, buff or nerf shit, and just all in general bitching. Video games are supposed to be fun. After a long day of work you come home and play some video games. I play with my friends mainly, and we just screw around with strikes and crucible and stuff. Is it good to be competitive? Yes, but to the point where when you start a game and cry like a baby when your team is down 400 points and you just got shoulder charged? Fuks no. Its a video game, not a life event. Unless your making esport money. Then you can try and complain about whatever you want. But i doubt hardly any of us do. So in all, just relax, play the game, and kill stuff. If you get pissed then guess what.. there are hundreds of other games out there to be played. Playing a game with no challenge isnt fun at all, so why try to buff/nerf it to hell? Go ahead and check my stats and call me a shitbag or a noob, i dont care. I ppay destiny for fun and good times with my friends. And an occasion giggle. That is all. Rant complete. Have a nice day.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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