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reggieにより編集済み: 7/20/2016 10:22:04 PM

Ever get tired?

By tired, I mean like just fed up with how you are yourself. I end up getting upset over 1 friggin thing. Relationships. Now I don't mean like a romantic one, I just mean both that and a friendship. For me, I can have everything going good than some stupid shit happens between me and someone else and then it just falls downhill from there. And ever since legitimately one of (if not my best) friends decided to just -blam!- out of my life after a failed relationship, I've had no one to vent to. I keep me and all my thoughts to myself. I can't talk deeply to anyone because it only helps with certain people. I could tell my parents anything, but the fact of the matter is I tell them almost nothing about how I feel on the inside, since I just can't. [Pretty soon I'm going to talk to another one of my friends, and hopefully she can help me a bit.] It will take a long time for me to get over and replace my old friend, we knew each other since we were kids and I helped them with something no one else could. I talked to them whenever, I was there as a figurative shoulder to cry on, one to listen, and one who would never judge. The minute they said "I'm so sorry, but I just don't want to be friends anymore" Was the first time in at least a decade I truly cried. I even sobbed to someone over Xbox (who's one of my real friends)whom had never even heard me cry, and I've known them longer. I just needed to vent, I hope this interested at least some of you. [spoiler]Yes, this might surprise you but there's someone behind the name Smough who's more than just some lennys, weird shit, wort, and innuendos.[/spoiler]



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