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オリジナルの投稿元: Opinions on Ana? New Overwatch character
7/13/2016 8:15:11 PM
Love her design. When reading her abilities it sounds OP but in game It's surprisingly balanced. I love that she can't crit-shot or deal massive damage. 80 damage is pretty good, she's a support first and supports shouldn't be killing as much as healing. It's good that she won't be able to easily outshine a widowmaker as her more versatile kit would make widowmaker obsolete if that were the case. 80 points of near instant healing administered from long ranges. It's not a constant supply of health like the others, but it's enough to save somebody in the heat of the battle (essentially a long-range health pack). Again I find this to be good, as she shouldn't outheal The others consistently but rather she should be able to easily save peop when need-be. Her grenade is a godsend, especially if you combine it with a Lucio or mercy healing the whole team. It will also make pushing objectives easier as you could shut down the enemy healers for a short time. Sleep dart similarly is a great tool, but requires good coordination to use effectively. All in all, I find her to actually be incredibly balanced, and I love how she is so far changing the meta up. She require a a bit more skill to use effectively, but in the right hands, with good team coordination, she's a great addition.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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