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Destiny について話し合おう
7/2/2016 6:19:06 PM

Costs of Upgrading from Legacy Console

First, I get it. Maintaining the destiny environment for legacy consoles is a pain. But I have to wonder if the developers actually understand the cost implications to its players, the many of us that have been around for some time now. This sucks! What is even worse is the two following points: 1) neither new platform consol supports the legacy version of destiny. And 2) the new content coming out in Sept requires that you have the TTK content. So, if I want to continue to enjoy the best destiny has to offer, not only do I have to buy the new$60 content, but I also need to buy another$50 version of the content I HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR! WHAT THE ____?!? That does not even begin to address the cost of the New console, the cost of the Internet, nor access through xbox live, or equipment upgrades to handle the additional bandwidth to support the new consoles requirements. I don't know guys... I was pretty dissatisfied when TTK first came out. So much so that I essentially stopped playing for something like 6 months. I actually just started playing destiny again a few weeks ago - now this... Much of what really got under my skin has been substantially improved. But the whole idea that I need to buy the same thing twice... Well, I can say this much, that ain't gonna fly ladies an gentlemen. Not by a long shot. I don't care how you do it, let me trade my legacy game in for a new platform version, or give me the old content for free if I buy the new stuff. But if you expect or desire to keep me playing this game, you need to do something. I am not buying the same thing twice.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • they're not going to give you the game for free. sorry to be the breaker of bad news, but it is not going to happen. there are a ton of people (myself included) that had the game on last gen. when we upgraded to current gen, we had to re-purchase the game. so........if they make a deal now - does that mean i should get a refund for the 60 that i spent? do you understand how many people fall into this category that you're asking Bungie/Activision to reimburse? think about it. it's Bungie/Activision. do you really think they're going to give stuff away for free? and i don't understand any of that other stuff you are talking about. yes you'll have to purchase the new console. but you're already paying for internet now. so that's not a new cost. you already have an Xbox Live subscription. it carries over to the One. so that's not a new cost. and unless you have dial up internet, why would there be equipment upgrades? i didn't have to change a thing when i went from 360 to One.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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