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Destiny について話し合おう
6/15/2016 4:35:15 AM

The Future of the Community (Do Not Read if You Don't Want to be Scolded)

Currently this post is a fairly shortened version of post I am going to eventually try and retype. The original post I was typing never got posted due to an unexpected loss of internet connection. I am not sure what Bungie's character limit was but, the old post reached it and was actually going to be multiple parts so I am going try and makes this short while I work on retyping the full post which will go much more in depth. I do want to point out I really do like this game, but it's time we dish the tough love back to the developers. Also if there any comments lets stay at point where these comments aren't all rude lets try and keep neutral on this please! If this post does get noticed and the comments are out of hand or just plane rude I will not continue retyping the original because it will likely have the same effect but in a much more in depth problem. What I wanted to originally get at this game has multiple situations of where things they are doing have a lot of good and bad. Most noticeably with the new DLC Rise of Iron, the most recent patch, future patches, and the road to Destiny 2. But right now the community is so split and some of it is good and it needs to be saved but others are just viciously attacking people due to their choices and full on insulting people. Literally just playing the game with No Land Beyond, I have relieved death threats in messages and I have reported multiple people, it's very disappointing! Also the next thing is Bungie themselves you need to stop obsessing over the meta nonsense! YOU are the problem! YOU are creating these meta's by these constant nerfs! Also look what your doing to your community with the nerf, people are leaving, stopping their pre-orders, insulting other players, and just making Destiny a sad experience! Your Motto of "Become Legend" has been killed for so many people due to this so please just wait a minute and listen to us! I know you say you really listen to us, but who was complaining about half of these things in your nerfs and buffs?! I am going to stop here so I continue on m actual post which i will end up linking in an edit on this page for those of you who want to hear what I have to say. And for the few of you who are going to go in this comments and start calling me a baby for crying over patches that's not what I am upset about, it's what people are turning a fun game into a bad experience. I have had more relaxed fun playing competitive CS GO. So if I am a crybaby for being disappointed in a community that i know can be better and developers that i am not quite sure if they even play their own game then so be it. I know I send I wanted to keep this neutral but, lets face it I am going to be hypocrite because it seems like the only we people ever pay attention is when you blatantly point something out that needs to be fixed. Then again I know there are good people in the community so I am going to ask all of you, Where do you think our future is going with these patches and DLC's and what's going to become of Destiny 2? Thanks for reading and good luck on your Journey to Destiny 2, because this is going to be a long run.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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