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6/13/2016 8:22:48 PM

Voltron: Legendary Defender

Has anyone else started watching the new Voltron series on Netflix? I'm on episode 10 right now. I absolutely love it. It's done by DreamWorks and the animation studio that did Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korea. It's got an outstanding voice cast too. Including Steven Yeun (Glenn from The Walking Dead), Kimberly Brooks (Ashley Williams from Mass Effect trilogy), and Cree Summers (Penny from Inspector Gadget and Kids from Atlantis: The Lost Empire). For those familiar with the earlier series. Some of the characters have switched lions. Like Keith is no longer the leader and is now the pilot of the red lion. Lance in now the pilot of the blue lion. Pidge and Hunk still pilot the green and yellow lions. And Sven has been renamed Shiro a reference to the character's name in the Japanese version of the original series. He is also the leader now and pilots the black lion.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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