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Destiny 2 にログインできない問題を調査中です。解消されるまで、切断したり、ログインできないなどの状況が発生する可能性があります。@BungieHelp で更新情報を確認してください。


Retro_Spectiveにより編集済み: 5/31/2016 12:46:07 AM

How many legendary drops have you got in Overwatch?

I'm level 30 in Overwatch, have only earned one legendary drop from 30 loot boxes. I've 700 gold coins, another 300 needed for another legendary skin. Mostly get spray's, duplicates, would never spend real cash on a loot box. During the beta the drop percentages were a lot better, they should give more gold for a duplicate. How many legendarys have you guys earned? Edit: I mixed up legendary with epic. Legendary are the yellow skins and epic are purple. Edit 2: Interesting video here guys about the server tickrate in Overwatch. Competitive play next month will be 60 tick, but why is it not that way across the board? Blizzard saving money on server costs by running quick play on 20 tickrate servers.



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