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AVE Salvatorにより編集済み: 5/14/2016 5:05:21 AM

Countdown and tracking for Supers

Ok these are my points: I think everbody know the countdown for the shield of the sunsinger after close combat. This countdown should be there for every temporary improvments, like: [b]- Ward of Dawn - Disintegrate - Blessing of Light - Weapons of Light - Shadowshot - invisibility at bladedancer or after smoke - Song of Flame - Angel of Light[/b] and so on. With a countdown you can use these skills much more specific. The other point is the Flameseeker perk of the Sunbreaker and the Angry Magic perk of the Voidwalker. These perks are still useless. In not a single time, the super my enemies is followed. These perks should be more aggressive. Thank you for reading this and consider my suggestions for improvement. [i]Edit: Added "Song of Flame" and "Angel of Light" [/i] [i]Edit2: New Title and more Tags[/i]



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