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Destiny について話し合おう
DeusFeverにより編集済み: 12/3/2014 8:09:22 PM

Dec. 9th is level 29 freedom day.

All those raid gloves I received instead of chests and boots no longer matter. All those raid weapons I didn't receive no longer matter. They will all be obsolete on Dec. 9th. Deej said so. All the legendary weapons and gear in my vault no longer matter. I can dismantle them all for shards and energy. Everything will be replaced by ranking up with factions. All of my non-upgraded exotics no longer matter. Vaulting Bad Juju and never using it was a good decision. I hope Xur offers it for an upgrade Dec. 9th. For the next 6 days, "Destiny" no longer matters. Sure, I might run the VoG to finally hit level 30 and try Crota's End on day one. Or I might farm glimmer to pay for exotic upgrades. Or I might play another game for the first time in almost 3 month. "The Last of Us Remastered" looks pretty good. Anything is possible now that all of the pre-expansion gear will be obsolete. Pure bliss.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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