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Destiny について話し合おう
4/5/2016 1:04:01 AM

How would you buff your main clsss?

We all know eventually we'll all be shooting cottonballs and our supers will bubble wrap corners and edges. But in a perfect world: I switch between Sunsinger and Voidwalker, I'm thinking. Sunsinger [spoiler] Song of flames, blinds enemies in is buff zone. so if finally does SOMETHING for solo players. Double or triple the force of solar wind. Because really, its more like morning breeze right now. Brimstone. Explosion leaves a blue pool of fire that causes Massive damage over a short time if you pass through. Because sulfer doesn't just blow up. and an on kill perk on a warlock is harder to pull off. Sunburst on all ability kills, not just charged melee Angel of light duration increase.[/spoiler] Voidwalker [spoiler] Axion bolt grenades spawn double the seekers, because they're just too easy to dodge with their speed and audio cue. Damage increase on Nova bomb and no self splash damage Life steal on charged hit Soul Rip gives a more significant boost Arngry magic tracking more aggressive and pairs better with Lance Embrace the void also resets timer if damage is done with an ability while energy drain is still active [/spoiler] And thats my Ideas. How would you Titans, Hunters and fellow Warlocks buff yourselves? Also this is a buff thread. No nerf posts here. All who do will receive a Frowny face! [spoiler]Except for fusion rifles. Obviously[/spoiler]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Sunbreaker we all love them and hate the here is how I would buff it 1) give them better grenades 2) suncharge should use less super because all of us Titans who still use it after the nerf can agree 3) armor should increase but you can still get sniped and GG shot we are Titans we should have the most amor 4) give us the Dot sec we lost in are mele back I don't understand how that was a problem 5) flame seeker perk should get a buff I mean the tracking doesn't even exist anymore and give the 1 plus agility 1 plus recovery back Titans are slow as it it 6) cauterize cool down should be either 2 sec 1 sec or 1.50 sec to level the playing Field a little more 7) the hammer travel speed needs to be fast because bungo said we want to give players a chance to shut sunbreakers down I think they gave them a huge one 8) and last but not least the hammer blast radius increase either 5% or 10% rant done



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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