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今日、Destiny 2 はメンテナンスのため、一時的にオフラインになります。@BungieHelp で更新情報を確認してください。


Destiny について話し合おう
LordJesusにより編集済み: 3/22/2016 8:29:51 AM

Ive Just found a NEW cheese on the undying mind! I can get completely behind the portal and FARM THE IMAGO LOOP!

Heres the video! It gets you literally completely behind the portal and i even found a way to skip that EXTREMELY annoying middle part of the strike! EDIT. I think everyone is getting the wrong idea of this glitch. YES I KNOW THERE'S A MILLION OTHER VIDEOS GETTING BEHIND IT. but not 1 of them do it without getting the "joining allies" message...skipping the middle part seems to just completely remove the joining allies and your free to roam around behind the portal which if you find a sweet can farm the imago loop. EDIT 2. I know I put omega instead of imago ahahaha oops! EDIT 3. does nobody understand the proper meaning of this glitch? In the past if you went more than 10 feel it would say "joining allies" ONLY if you do the massive parkour and get to the boss room quickly will it bypass this. I've tested it in every other way.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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