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オリジナルの投稿元:Bioshock RP
Murph Tha Smurfにより編集済み: 3/6/2016 1:57:35 AM

Bios for Rapture RP

Name: Approximate or exact age: Gender: Equipment(if any): Appearance Description: Personality: Picture:(not required) [b]Backstory[/b] If you have never played Bioshock 1 or 2, you [u]must come from the surface.[/u] If you have played either, you may start as a resident in the west side of the city. Coming from the surface is still an option. If you have played both in their entirety, you may start as a sane big daddy (be aware Big Daddies do not have access to plasmids, unless you choose an Alpha Series), or as a courier for Andrew Ryan. Coming from the surface or being a west-end resident are still encouraged options. Be aware these rules will only apply to early characters. [b]Skill System.[/b] The skill system is an experimental work in progress. Essentially, you will be able to choose what areas your character is good and bad at, without a long annoying number system that must be updated constantly. The ratings go from Proficient (best), to Good, to Average, to Bad, to Horrid (worst). You must have 1 Proficient skill, and 1 Horrid skill. You [u]can[/u] (this is optional) acquire a second Proficient skill, but you must add 2 [u]more[/u] (total of 3) Horrid skills as a sacrifice. You must have 2 Good skills, and 1 Bad skill. The rest of your skills must be marked as average. Skills to choose from: Health(amount of damage you can take before being forced to retreat, heal, or die): Eve(used to "cast" plasmids): Guns(effectivity with all ballistic weapons): Experimental Weaponry(effectivity with all non-ballistic, non-plasmid weapons): Plasmid(affects plasmid damage and effectiveness): Melee(damage of anything from wrenches to drills to bayonets): Speech(how convincing your character is in conversation with NPC's): Scavenging(finding ammo, money, Eve injectables, and rarely even new weapons is easier): Speed(allows you to move faster, and in some cases perform more actions before the enemy): Hacking(increases odds of success, speed, and overall effectiveness of hacking anything in Rapture): It is encouraged to try to make these skills match your backstory (ex: from surface, low EVE) but not required. Overall, have fun!
#BnetRP #Bioshock



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