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Destiny について話し合おう
1/28/2016 5:06:10 PM

Nerf Cayde-6

Bingie wyyyy? U mak de vangurd tabl too op at firstt, den u mak gabby 6 comander zebro and ikor rae op tu. Butt de warst of all iz gaben 6. He iz wayyy 2 op bungo cuz. Wun. He iz too meen bungo. He caled creepy man ladys shep stupidd. Datz no nice bungii.I expectid beter wit u.[spoiler]and dedecatad survurz[/spoiler] Tuu. Gopro 6 workz wit the vangurd wich meens he iz abusin the supar op tabl too hiz advantege. [spoiler]Bunga you still havnt nrfed dat stewpid tabl btw[/spoiler] And he caled comander zebro fatt. That iz a racest wird too sayy too titens buangii.plz shuv soapp inta hiz mout bingiai Tree. Cadillac 6 iz a n00b in de crubical lard shaxxxxxx [spoiler]hez de 10 fut talll blok[/spoiler] caled him a -blahm!- bingiio de swer wurds in dis gam iz too dam hiii[spoiler]memez refarance[/spoiler] u hve to nrf dem too. Butt bck to Colgate 6 it iz sed dat he wuz runnin arund thighlite gap. And he wuzint complainin aboat nrfs and hez a huntr. Bungu dats no normel he neds too be nrfed bck to huntr statuz. For. Cheetos 6 sellz armur dats too expenzive i cant aford it. Itz too op.plz nrf Fiv. VGA Cable 6 iz hidin monay[spoiler]glitter[/spoiler] frm hiz vangurd amigoz whil he shud be sharin it wit hiz supar op lvl 6s plz nrf glitter Saxophon. Chlorine 6 iz a huntr [quote]plz nrf da titenz and warlokz Carrot 6[/quote] Sevin. Cotton Candy 6 iz a prt of de loomyfarty cuz Dere r tree vangurd amigoz Dere r tree classz in destineh Tree divide tree iz sevin Bingo haz an obsessian with da numba sevin Sevin divid titen iz warlok My name iz Donald But wat. Warlok and Donald hve 6 litters 6 divid by 6 iz 1 de loominarty haz 1 eye Warlokz and every1 who iz caled Donald[spoiler]especaly Donald Tremp[/spoiler] Are Cayde 6s amigoz Cas clozed



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