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Kylestienにより編集済み: 3/8/2016 10:03:06 AM

Ideas to improve Sparrows in PVE

Okay, so something I noticed Yesterday while on Patrol is thatif you activate your accelerator while turning round a corner you get a boost. Thing about this boost it it does not really happen is a straight line or anything, and the turn is sort of hard to do. But it feels good, which in my opnion is something missing from Sparrows right now. So here are a few ideas for how you can improve Sparrows in PVE: When you make a jump, have us able to activate our acelerator, get a boost and maybe come smashing to the ground running if it's a large jump. This encurages doing some sweet ass jumps. Add some level of boost to ALL Sparrows. (Note: no nearly as much boost as Overdrive Sparrows, so no need to worry about that. We are just talking a slight faster kick for a couple of seconds.) Make it easier to Ram into foes. Also, make the hop off Sparrow a "Jump off quite well at high speeds" button too, so you can throw your Sparrow into a crowd of enemies, jump up high and start shoooting. (This may not be feasable for Destiny 1) allow us to upgrade and level up out Sparrows to make them better. We have Xur's stuff but it does nothing really.



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