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3/1/2016 8:23:33 PM
Knew the info anyway but I love hearing it explained in different ways . The only the only thing ill say is that I disagree that destiny can't be competitive because shots are "rng" . The cone when you are shooting is so tight when in effective range that it isn'ta luck. If your shot is reliant on luck, that is punishment for shooting out of your range . Its like an indirect nerf to range . The exception to this cone is the last word, it has quite a wide cone even when in its intended range . That is the pay off for it being so effective but I agree that does suck when 1v1 with 2 last words that its luck who wins . To sum, saying that all shots are rng and that it means destiny can't be competitive means you have to greatly exaggerate the size of the cone . The cone is a way of holding back guns performing out of range .



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