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Destiny について話し合おう
SquirlyWabitにより編集済み: 12/7/2014 7:54:32 AM

Too many children on the forums

I don't remember being granted access to much when I was a kid and I think it should stay that way there's just too much of a maturity gap. And the game even says m for mature so why do we have kids in the forums. My biggest issues.. 1. All they wanna do is fight 2. They bring a lot of drama to the table 3. Thier pretty mouthy over cyber talk 4. Thier rude remarks are all the same and very over used and generic... they result to Grammer and punctuation and spelling corrections on most occasions My wife is a 10th grade LA teacher she doesn't even message me with proper structure at most times. Nobody cares. Let's not even mention my 5 year having more original insults than some people around here. Just a fed up dad. Thanks for listening if you agree post a reply. If your under 19.... Maybe avoid this post. Edit1: everyone correcting the rating should know that this game has a different rating in different countries. For instance. RP in one and 16+ in another and ect.



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